Maybe Takeshi had misunderstood a little bit, having walked out like that. From how things were being said he thought they were going to have to leave and so he was, with a little extra encouragement from Renthal. Seriously, stupid doctor throwing things around, weren't doctors supposed to help and not hurt? Guy had the thinnest skin in the history of forever, getting violent over two little quips like that. How was he supposed to act towards someone who smacked him with a clipboard? Stopping just outside the door he let out a sigh, raising an eyebrow as he turned to look back at Shu. Sheesh, there was Shu telling him to be all nice again, it was getting a bit redundant. He was nice, at least usually. Not his fault the doctor couldn't take being laughed at; Renthal was so sensitive apparently maybe he ought not to be dressing like that. "Brain damage is when you're brain gets hurt, I figured that was pretty straight forward," Takeshi answered, "And hang on a second, will you?" They really should still do dinner, especially with how Shu had been looking forward to it. Plus it was nice to get a change of scenery, so any excuse to stay out of the ship they should take. Going back to the door and poking his head in he smiled slightly, giving a small wave, "Hey! We'll be coming for dinner, don't worry. Kind of forgot for a second, sorry." "If you'll only speak to us Viral then everything changes. Getting it out in the open will relieve stress, and it'll enable us to actually work on the real issues here. We may be able to help you as things are now, but opening up will put you on the fast track to recovery." Vegeta wasn't going to add the fact having Viral open up would provide them with some peace of mind as well. Having someone so close to you be depressed constantly wore on those around them as well, and goodness knows he was feeling the effects of it, as was Yumi. Astonishingly between his and Yumi's coaxing the Beastman did begin to speak, however tentatively at first it may have been. Compared to how things had been progressing at this rate hearing the wishes he'd had for himself were the first big step they had made in quite a while. Unfortunately it did not seem as they would get both, yet having even just one was enough to get started. "Granting you Ki isn't impossible, I'm certain the Saiyans went about it the wrong way," Vegeta mused, nodding as he placed a hand on his chin, "But Viral, think about it. When my father created you he did not grant you Ki, and can you guess why? You were his greatest success and pride, so I doubt he'd purposefully slight you. I think he made you strong enough that even without you could face any foe. Yes, your strength has waned with this mess, but we can bring you back to your former power, maybe even beyond it." Viral was wholly capable of fighting Ki users, and besides, he had his own form of energy. Arguably stronger than Ki Viral shouldn't forget he could harness the power of the sun to much the same ends, the only thing he was missing was flight. "I'll leave the choice to you. I can most likely find a means of giving you Ki, but I don't know if I could undo it. Personally I believe my father thought you did not need it, that you can become powerful enough without, yet I'll leave that decision to you." Yumi was pretty darn happy to be hearing Viral's wishes, even if only one. It was more than they had ever been given before and she was a little surprised by what he wanted. In a way it made sense, he was surrounded by Ki users and saw what it could do on a daily basis. If she were to be honest when she had first met Shu and Takeshi she had been the same way, astonished and excited by the prospective power of Ki. Now that she had access to Ki it was certainly nice, though she could function just as well without. Smiling up at her friend she released him at last, taking a small step back as she folded her hands together. "When we all first started traveling together you were the strongest out of us, and you never had Ki. Really up until you were taken away you were stronger than everyone, so you can definitely be again." Letting out a small laugh Yumi closed her eyes, her smile widening as she tilted her head to the side. Things were going to start looking up if they could keep this going, now she was excited for Viral. "Wanting Ki isn't selfish, by the way. I did the same thing but I don't think I was selfish by doing it. You're a fighter like we are, and any time there's a new technique or ability that can give you an edge in a fight you want it. I'm with Vegeta, I don't think you need it up I'll support you 100% if you decide you want it. I can even help train you to use it, if you'd like."