[quote=@YoshiSkittlez] [@The Patriarch] Teal has a point, I just read your last post and it's like you haven't been reading our last posts at all. They DO have a plan and are going about it right now. The plane is 20 miles away, they needed a way to GET to the plane, so as of right now you have Catman just... what, walking there while everyone else steals an ATV? If you don't wanna change it, fine, Catman will get left behind while the others work on a practical way of getting there. Just don't expect me to believe that Catman is going to beat them to the plane or catches up to the team after they arrive like, two minutes later. This may be based off of a comic universe, but that doesn't mean it isn't realistic. [/quote] I posted that way because I'm pissed off at how DSW basically wouldn't let me wait until things moved on from this place because I am having doubts that it will