[b]Real Name:[/b] Orm Marius [b]Code name:[/b] Ocean Master [b]Prison Inmate #:[/b] 19968 [hider=Appearance] [img]http://static.comicvine.com/uploads/original/11111/111111362/3020277-2772976-ocean_master.jpg[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/uUZAmKT.png[/img] [/hider] [b]History:[/b] Orm Marius grew up in the fabled undersea city of Atlantis as the second born son of Queen Atlanna and her husband, King Atalan. Although his brother, Orin was firstborn and thus would be the next in line to the throne, he left Atlantis at a very early age for the surface world. As a result of this, Orm was destined to be the King. However, Atlantis was currently under threat of an anti-royalist terrorist group known as The Black Mantas. Led by the notorious criminal, Nuidis Vulko, The Black Mantas used terror tactics such as bombings, kidnappings and murder to cleave a bloody path throughout the kingdom. While the King and Queen of Atlantis were on a diplomatic mission to the Outer Poseidonis colony, they were ambushed by the The Black Mantas, killing Atalan and utterly destroying their royal convoy. During the attack Atlanna was knocked unconscious and swept away. Since the Black Mantas were unable to find her 'body' they abandoned their attempted assassination and she was reported missing. With the King dead, the Queen missing, and his half-brother galavanting across the surface world, Orm was forced to step up as King Orm I, Master of Oceans and King of Atlantis. A week after Orm's coronation, Vulko attacked and commandeered a United States military submarine to fire upon Atlantis using stolen missiles, framing the surface for the death of Two Hundred and Twenty Atlanteans. In the aftermath of the atrocity, Orm met the other members of the Atlantean council. They argued over declaring war on the surface world on the grounds of the damage during the attack. The onslaught on Atlantis led the citizens to demand for war, causing King Orm to decide that they need to reveal themselves after centuries of being hidden. Believing he was protecting Atlantis, Orm started amassing an army to invade the surface world, using The Trident of Storms and the Atlantean crown that was given to him during his coronation, Orm began battering the Eastern Coast of America with powerful storms and tidal waves. With a war between land and sea commencing, Orm's half-brother Orin, now calling himself Arthur, along with the rest of the Justice League intervened. Viewing the intervention of the Justice League as an escalation of war, Orm began flooding the coastal cities and commanded his armies to march into Gotham, Metropolis, and Boston to establish a foothold in the war. While the rest of the League split into groups to help the relief efforts of the other cities, Arthur faced off with Orm in Boston. Arthur attempted to reason with Orm, claiming that the attack on Atlantis was not the US' doing. Orm refused to listen, dismissing his words as lies, accusing Arthur of being brainwashed by the surface-dwellers. As their brawl continued, Orm revealed that he held Arthur responsible for the death of his father, and their mother, professing that he wasn't there to help shoulder the responsibility of the Crown. This antagonised Arthur, who then declared that the life of a leader was a lonely one and that is why he never wanted the Throne of Atlantis, he then destroyed the Atlantean Crown with a single punch, stopping the floods from destroying the East Coast. Arthur then realised what the responsibility of leadership had done to Orm and demanded him to yield the throne to himself so he could command the army to leave the surface. Prince Orm stopped the war with three words; "I yield...brother". With Orm defeated and the tidal waves stopped, King Arthur ordered the Atlanteans to withdraw from Gotham, Metropolis, and Boston, declaring the war to be over. Before they left for Atlantis, the army asked what was to be done with Orm, rather than let him go back with them, Arthur proclaimed he would stay on the surface and stated that he was under arrest. Orm protested, claiming that was Arthur was doing was cruel and that condemning him to the surface was on par with executing him. Arthur told him that he was truly sorry, but sent him to Belle Reve for his supposed war crimes. Powers/Abilities: [hider=Atlantean Physiology:] Because Atlanteans have to adapt to living at varying pressure levels, their bodies are physically much heartier than the average human being, granting them: [list] [*] [b]Superhuman Durability[/b] [*] [b]Superhuman Stamina[/b] [*] [b]Superhuman Strength[/b] [/list] In addition, Atlanteans have developed [b]low-level telepathy[/b] which they can use to broadcast and receive thoughts between one another. This is an Atlantean's primary means of communication. Some Atlanteans, such as Aquaman, have higher degrees of telepathy and can use it to communicate with other forms of sea life. This, however, is a rare instance and not a trait common to most Atlanteans. Atlanteans are also [b]natural swimmers. [/b] [/hider] [hider=Trident of Storms] After Orm was crowned King of Atlantis, he was given a trident that gives him power over storms and tempests, and in doing so, gives him electrical manipulation. Was a part of a matching set. [/hider] [hider=Atlantean Crown (Formerly)] While he was the King of Atlantis, Orm had a crown that doubled as a helmet and allowed him to control the oceans to the effect of hydrokinesis. This crown was destroyed by Aquaman at the end of his misguided attempt to attack the surface world. [/hider]