Ahnasha crept into Vera's room at a pace slow enough that she was scarcely moving. Her scent was still masked, and her movements were cautious enough to be inaudible. She was not going to find any evidence by remaining stationary, however, so she had to look around the room. The welkynd stone was making it easier to maintain her invisibility, so she had some time to look around. She wanted to find what items had the freshest scent of Vera's to see what she had touched most recently. With her scent being everywhere, however, she had to get close to each item in order to check. Meesei lowered her head solemnly. "Jerrick is dead. He was poisoned by the traitor." She said in a more quiet tone as she pulled the waterskin from her bag. "This is the only thing he has consumed all day. Sabine, I need you to test it for poison. Make sure not to use it all in your test, just in case. If it is clean, then I know who the poisoner was. Everyone else, just...be ready. I want to identify and confront the traitor before Jerrick's body is found." Meesei handed off the waterskin to Sabine, then looked around the room once more. "Where is Lorag?" She asked.