Why did Shu always have to ask questions? About everything? Jeez, he didn't know the specifics about brain damage, he just knew it was a thing. Sighing to himself Takeshi scratched at his head, placing one hand on his hip as he glanced over at Shu. "It's... I don't know, I have no idea why it's not called brain pain," the older boy replied, "Damage means... I mean it's the same as hurting or injuring, basically. So saying you had brain damage means you hurt your brain, get it? Good." Shy of that brief, hasty explanation he'd just provided Takeshi hadn't the slightest idea how to elaborate on the point further. Really explaining medical stuff to anyone was too complicated for him, he'd admit that. They really should figure out what exactly they were doing too, whether it was going back to the ship or staying here. Takeshi thought for a moment they should leave since T'charrl wanted time with his folks, but then it dawned on him he'd probably not spend all his time with them. Doubling back to the room he made sure their friend knew they would be around, nodding his head in reply to what was said. "Sure, we'll uh... I guess walk around the city a bit. Go spend time with your mom and dad, we'll come back in a bit." Exploring the town might be fun, it wasn't so often you got to see an underground city. Turning to Shu he smiled knowingly, pointing down the corridor they had come from. "How's about you lead the way buddy?" "Your friends truly are imbeciles... You know that right...?" Renthal asked, having waited for everyone else to get out of earshot. "They're good kids, I can tell that much, but not the brightest bunch. I suppose we take what we can get though." Pushing the glasses up on his face a little the doctor glanced over at T'charrl, tilting his head to the side hearing the request. It wasn't unreasonable, though he was a touch confused as to why they were doing it now. Drawing blood after being so exhausted and potentially on an empty stomach would leave the Prince feeling weaker than when he had come in earlier. "I suppose I can do that boy, but you know I can't keep things from Her Majesty. If she comes knocking I'll hand it over, but I can at least promise I won't go out of my way to tell her." To draw blood he'd need a syringe and a vial, as well as some disinfectant and gauze; nearly everything Renthal would need was in his storage cabinet. Fetching every item on his list the doctor took out a clump of gauze, nodding his head towards the bed once more. "Take a seat and we'll do this. I don't want you passing out or anything." Imbuing Viral with Ki wasn't wholly impossible, and Vegeta was even willing to wager his father had considered it at one point. Given the fact it hadn't been done he could only come to two conclusions; introducing Ki into Viral's body would not work outright, or it had been considered so late in the process that giving him it would be improbably difficult. Granted, so would be introducing new genes now, with Viral having some twenty plus years to his name. His body would change of course, as did Yumi's with her operation, but it was hard to say what might happen. "I suppose it's true we can't give you your own, genuine Ki. Unless..." There could be a way actually, albeit it would be extremely difficult. Putting one finger to his lips Vegeta folded his other arm behind his back, starting to pace as he sometimes did while deep in thought. "If I can take the culture of your cells... Introduce other cells to it... Theoretically by splicing them together your cells could incorporate the Ki. They would be your cells but they would have another person's Ki, thus perhaps granting you use of Ki. And that Ki would be finite, but if your body adapts to having it then I would think you might form your own. Of course, splicing DNA and then distributing it into your body and trying to make sure it manifests itself correctly would be far from easy, and a job to consider down the road. For now we focus on improving your health first." Yumi wasn't entirely sure what Vegeta had just said, only able to pick up the gist of the matter. "So we'd basically make it so he could make his own Ki, instead of giving him someone else's?" she asked, nodding to herself understandingly. It sounded like it would work, then again she hardly got any of it so what did she really know? If there was even a marginal chance of granting Viral's wish they should take it, if only because it might give their friend something to be hopeful for. There was the matter of his second wish as well, but since he was so reluctant to share it and they'd already pried out some information she wasn't going to push for it. "Thank you for sharing that with us, Viral. I think it's a great wish to have. And who knows, maybe it will come true some day!" If they managed to bring back Aito then the possibilities for the Beastman were boundless. Should they return to earth they would have both Aito and Ikura to work on making that dream a reality. Raising her arms up over her head in a stretch Yumi smiled, folding her hands behind her back again, "So what do we do now? Anything you want to do Viral?"