Rennac paid little mind to Viranthus as he joined the crowd watching the spectacle unfold, continuing unabated till the loud end as even several of the sober members of the crowd joined in the big finale. As the last verse finished the Wolkar downed his mug with a smooth and apparently practiced motion, cheering with the rest of the crowd. Regardless of how rocky things began thanks to Karasis in the meetings, he could certainly say he had the public support in favor of more interaction with the Wolkar. Well, at least those who enjoyed the bar. There was probably going to be one or two noise complaints but overall it did wonders for the Wolkar's public standing and reputation as an approachable fellow and good friend. He soon spoke to a few of the other patrons, laughing and joking with them and overall just being what all Wolkar are at heart: kinnd-hearted mutts who value friends and comraderie. He could even swear he saw a Karadon or two join in at one point. Soon he spotted Virathus again, his cheeks a bit flush from the booze. Smiling all the while he clasped his hand on the Litharian's shoulder, not aggressively or in any threatening way but one would to a friend when having fun. "Ah! It's a beautiful thing isn't it? Seeing so many people together, enjoying themselves, TRULY living in the moment. No worries, no cares, simply the joy of being with their fellow man. Then again, suppose it's something my people particularly enjoy being pack oriented." He then took a second look at Virathus and raised an eyebrow. "Ah, a new face! Happy to meet new friends. Name's Rennac Shadowclaw, Alpha of the shadowclaw clan, head of the Mercenary guild, and haver of a jolly good time! Last one is not so official, but still just as fitting I like to think."