If this is still open I would like to throw my hat into the ring. Real Name: John Corben Code name: Metallo Prison Inmate #: 10734 Appearance: [hider=Picture][URL=http://knightreaver.deviantart.com/art/Metallo-New-52-290036270]Picture by Knightreaver on Deviantart[/URL] [IMG]http://i602.photobucket.com/albums/tt103/Will_Adama/1a06dc04fa5a97398ea848b3e625c93d-d4sohf2_zpsdomtuiyl.jpg[/IMG] [/hider] History: John Corben was born just outside Metropolis to the newlywed Corbens, Steven and Jane. The Corbens were well liked in their town and were friends with many other families, including the Lanes. The Corbens and Lanes both came from a tradition of military service, and in fact Steven Corben and Samuel Lane had served in the same unit. From a young age John Corben was friends with Sam's daughter Lois. They went to the same school and when talking about their plans for the future she revealed that she wanted to be a journalist. Naturally John then decided that he wanted to be a journalist. When they entered high school Lois started to distance herself from John, who had been harbouring feelings for her. Feeling like it was his last chance he approached her and declared his love for her. Lois couldn't reciprocate but tried to let him down easy. He was heartbroken and eventually grew bitter, switching schools so that he wouldn't have to see her. He abandoned becoming a journalist and followed his father's advice and joined the armed forces. John proved exceptional and deadly efficient in training and was transferred to the special forces. He was deployed in several crisis zones where he learned how vicious he was in combat and the thrill he got from battle. Near the end of his second tour of duty he was deployed to occupy a village. Within an hour of being there he was approached by a young boy in the street. He managed to notice that he had hidden an explosive device. John called for his squad to scatter as he shot the boy, who was killed immediately. Unfortunately the bomb went off prematurely and the only one injured was John who ended up losing his left leg just below his waist and right leg below the knee. He was given the honorary rank of sergeant for his heroism, but he believed his days as a soldier were over. He returned to the states and found it hard to adjust. His family found it hard to be around him as he suffered fits of rage. His life was spiralling until he was approached by Samuel Lane, now a General. General Lane offered him a place on the military program Project: Steel Soldier. There he is suited with the prototype battle suit Unit Metal 0. His first mission was to capture the newly debuted superhero Superman. John was deployed amidst a battle between Superman and Brainiac. During the battle the Metal 0 suit was badly damages and exploded, destroying more of John's body. He woke up in a military hospital where he was visited by Lois Lane who wanted to say goodbye as the doctors' said John has less than a day to live. John was ready to die when an up-incoming Doctor named Emmet Vale proposes to redesign the Metal 0 suit to turn John into a cyborg. John agreed. After the procedure John awoke in a rage, calling himself “Metallo”, and escaped the facility. While roaming the streets he saw on a TV a gossip show that said Superman was dating Lois Lane. This enraged John who started causing property damage to draw out Superman. When Superman arrived the two fought it out until John ran out of power, the Metal 0 suit was not designed to generate enough energy to support a human. John was placed in America's most secret military facility, where he was kept on minimum life support. But when he was connected to the base's system a virus was released from his compromising the system. It turns out Dr. Vale had been replaced by an android built by Brainiac. The system was shut down long enough for Brainiac to invade the facility and recover John and several other secret people and objects. John was rebuilt with a new power source, a kryptonite heart. He was sent to attack Superman on Brainiac's orders many times, becoming one of Superman's nemesis. Eventually Lex Luthor captured John and restored his memories and autonomous thinking. In return he had to work for Lex. Eventually Superman figured this out and tried to reveal this to the army. When Superman and the army captured John, Lex denied all involvement. John was initially sent to a military prison, but was transferred to Belle Reve on Amanda Waller's orders. After modifying his mechanics to be easier to control, Amanda planned to have him join Task Force X, her “Suicide Squad”. Powers/Abilities: Combat Cyborg: The majority of John's body is replaced with machinery. His head is the only visible original body part, but under the flesh is mostly robotics. His metal body can absorb a lot of damage and is faster and stronger than a plain human, bordering on super-powered. His power source is a kryptonite heart which he can open his chest plate to reveal and shoot kryptonite blasts from. Also as a cyborg he does not need to eat, breathe or sleep. And finally he has a military background and is such trained in tactics, protocol, and weaponry.