[h2]Hayato[/h2]"Gah! It was a joke, geez!" Hayato said, rubbing his arm as he followed after Hazel. The school cafeteria was pretty empty this time of day, with only a few students grabbing a late lunch or studying with friends around a few tables. Really it was more like a deli or some kind of cafe than a school lunchroom; the only meals that were free were breakfast and lunch. Everything else had to be bought with Academy Credits off a menu, like ordering at a fast food joint. Of course, the fare was of much higher quality. "With what I got from the mission and saved up from last year, I oughta have enough for both of us." Hayato said. "What do you wanna order?" [h2]Joe[/h2]When Joe accepted the quest and entered his coordinates into the teleporter, the holoscreen displayed a notice that he would once more be going into Excaledvol. Missions to the alternate world were frequent, but the place still hadn't been mapped yet in all these years. The Exbeasts and the different rules of nature there made establishing any kind of permanent base of operations difficult, as they'd seen in the Blighted Woods. For things like satellites that they could use to take pictures from orbit, they were still a long way off. And since they had no idea exactly where, when, or what Excaledvol really was, they couldn't do a great deal from the Earth side of the rifts either. After another transportation, Joe found himself standing atop a huge, rocky cliff with a thick bed of lush grass and moss at its top. It was almost like walking on a marshmellow, the vegetation was so dense. All around him, tiny flowers grew with bright blue-white bulbs. These were the Mana Herbs he should gather. However, he'd need to be careful...one wrong step here, and he might tumble down into that valley far, far below... [Joe's location (large image): [url]http://i.imgur.com/coQ5bVZ.jpg[/url]]