Taeion could plainly see the rats scuttling up the chains, but was unable to give pursuit. He considered the possibility of falling - what if they tried to fire at him whilst he climbed? He wouldn't be able to dodge effectively, and would end up getting burned. Taeion thought for a moment. By extension, the Fire Rats should have difficulty dodging anything he threw their way. He dug into his pocket for a final time, but Taeion was mildly surprised to find that he only had one shuriken left. He looked around for something else to throw, and was able to find a small rock - around the same size as a regular rodent. Maybe he could knock one of the rats off of the chain instead, letting it fall to its death. Taeion tossed both of the projectiles for a final time, aware that success would allow him to return to the AcadeMMO for a "well-deserved" rest.