This topic seems right up my alley. Anyway, Tumblr has been completely destroyed by SJWs and it has spread to Twitter, into media and especially into our favorite movement that has gone completely downhill, #Gamergate. The entire internet is feeling the burning from these exaggerated spoiled brats who love to play in the oppression Olympics. Yay, Tumblr! Damn those pineapple lovers. (On a side note: Tumblr "feminism" isn't feminism, but I don't really believe in the movement anymore despite being a woman myself. If it were true to equality, it wouldn't be butting heads with the MRAs over the same matters, which makes both movements completely invalidated in my own opinion. If anything, consider I'd consider myself an equalist, since both movements are outdated and labelled and represented as both hateful and hypocritical.)