Adelisa snapped out of her thoughts, her strategic planning, to look over at the thief. A slight smirk appeared on her lips and she walked over to the redhead. "Seems I am good for things other than an annoying peacekeeper" she said softly, but loud enough for her to hear. She wasn't going to hold back like other clerics. She snapped back. Adelisa wrapped her hands lightly around her wounded arm. "You, Madam Reckless, are going to need my help more than not aren't you" she muttered to herself in amusement, but realized her situation and quickly shut up. She soon let go of the girl's arm and said softly "all done." Her eyes went back to the giant creature and she almost, [i]almost[/i], hesitated in fear. Almost. She looked over at the warrior that went through a house and searched for a path to help the girl. She looked over at the theif and said "I need you to make sure the creature does not notice my disappearance and it definitely cannot notice my hand in helping the warrior."