Rennac smiled and raised the mug, nodding to the Litharian. "No worries mate, we all have our lives to live. Just take care of yourself. Next time we'll have to properly drink!" He took a chug of his beer and waved the man off, eyeing the drink with a smirk. "Huh, guess he's expecting to be at work soon or cant afford to be hungover." For just being an empty mug it spoke volumes to the Wolkar, telling him quite a bit about the man. Soon enough he was back in the thick of it, drinking and singing till it grew late and he had to retire. Only stumbling a bit he returned to the hotel and got comfortable on the bed, just deactivating his armor's weaponry and sleeping off his drinks. The ship would be ready soon and he would want to get there early to check over the modifications made to it and add his own to fine tune the ship. If there was one thing the Wolkar never did, was pilot in a ship they had not personally performed maintenance on.