[h1][center]Strings of Fate: A Magical Girl Roleplay[/center][/h1] [hider=Premise] [b][u]W-what's that? I'm a Magical Girl now? [/u][/b] Magical Girls are those charged with fighting things that defy normal logic with skills and abilities that defy normal logic. They are fire versus fire; magic versus magic. Their enemy of course, are Errors. Sometimes, events don't happen as they originally should've. This can be both a natural and artificial occurrence, and has an unwanted byproduct- the production of Errors. Monstrosities of varying size and power, Errors are living natural disasters. It is the job of magical girls to fight and contain such beings when they pop up, ensuring their destruction is not to wide spread. After their destruction Errors fade away, as they are merely leftover remnants. Of course, Magical Girls have to come from somewhere. They are created when a magical girl saves a young girl locked into an absolute fate of death- though how this unlocks their magical potential is unknown. Magical Girls are capable of detecting proper candidates, as well as Errors with their sensory abilities. [b]Magic[/b] Magic is an important thing to any Magical Girl. It is the source of their abilities, and by default a Magical Girl has physical abilities, durability, and healing far beyond even the greatest athletes. They further have extra sensory abilities, capable of detecting other Magical Girls(Only if they are at close range or are transformed), Errors, and Magical Girl candidates. Special abilities are present in each magical girl, unique to her personality and creativity. Training and experience unlock new wells of power and help them control their abilities with precision. Focal seeds are an important object for magical girls, though what exact form they take is dependent on the girl. Regardless, they must be kept on the girls person at all times. Without one, it is impossible to transform into a magical girl, meaning they are incapable of using magic. Without it Magical Girls are not completely defenseless- their physical abilities are still boosted far beyond that of a little girls, but that will mean little in the face of monsters like Errors. The use of any sort of magic requires a transformation, though it is said that Expert level Magical Girls are capable of using magic without transformation. [b]Groups[/b] Usually, girls work with a group of three to four others and defend a city. For large or heavily populated cities, multiple groups work independently of each other. Generally, each group has their own beliefs on if they should intervene with the affairs of normal people(For example, stopping criminals), what sort of morality they hold, how they interact with other magical girl groups, what magic is and where it comes from and so on. In this roleplay, all characters will be in groups of 3-4, to be worked out by the RPers under the GM. [b][u]Experience Level [/u][/b] Greenhorn(Prologue) Exactly what it sounds like; a brand new magical girl. They lack use of a special ability, and only have partial control over their basic magical girl skills. Magical Girl(First Act) A magical girl who understands the basics and has control over their special ability. The First Act abilities of a magical girl are the basis from which every other ability stems. Veteran(Second Act) Veteran magical girls have the knowledge and expertise to add extra umph to their special abilities, allowing them to do do things beyond that of the average magical girl. This will be the highest you can go at the start of this RP. I'd prefer we only have a few veterans, at most one veteran a group outside of certain circumstances. Expert(Finale) The top class of a magical girl, those at this level are capable of using finale moves, special abilities that are trump cards. A rare bracket that takes a combination of talent, experience, and luck to reach. ???(???) [/hider] [hider=Magical Girl Information] [b]Moderators[/b] A long time ago they went by a different name, but for modern magical girls its been forgotten. These are the Moderators and collective owners of the magical girl websites, and the closest thing to authorities in the magical girl world. Little is known about them, but its theorized there is one for each country, or at least large general area. They are known by their screen name, as they generally don't give out their real name trivially. -In other words, they hold authority as modeators on Errornet, and as psuedo administrators in the real world. From what its known, Moderators ensure that Dark Magical Girls don't organize into large groups, and that Errors are kept in check. From there, how much they intervene in the area they administer depends on the Moderator. Italy's Moderator goes by the screen name of "Not_A_Pasta_Eater". They supposedly have a rivalry with the Moderator in the United Kingdom, and their familiar is a cat. [b]Magical Energy[/b] The source of a magical girls powers. It goes without saying that using it all up is a bad idea. Fortunately enough, it does eventually come back over time. The reservoir of magical energy a magical girl has is used to power their special abilities, further, it allows them to transform into a magical girl in the first place. Time to recover magical energy generally depends on many factors, such as the magical girls mood, and the land they're currently at. The source of magic- further, even what magic is, is a question to some magical girls. Indeed, unfortunately becoming a magical girl didn't come with a manual. [b]Basic Abilities of a Magical Girl[/b] Aside from their special magical powers, Magical Girls also all share basic enhancements. Magical girls are much stronger and faster than normal humans, and they instinctively know how to use the weapons they are given as a magical girl. They also tend to acquire a new level of talent in their closest hobby or desire - for example, an artist would be able to paint better, a soccer player would learn new skills and techniques much more easily, etc. Finally, while magical girls cannot recover something as drastic as a lost limb or a destruction of a major organ such as the heart magical girls are still able to recover from almost any and all minor injuries with enough time. While transformed, Magical Girls have immense stamina and can strain their body for long periods of time- though this can quickly be exhausted as magical energy runs low. [b]Familiars[/b] The beings of magic who are instrumental in any higher level magical girl group are called Familiars(Sometimes called Magical Animals). They can take almost any form, as long as it's not humanoid. They come in two classifications, though most differences are purely in power. The basic function of a familiar is to support a magical girl team in and out of combat. They also help magical girls as mentors, teaching them how to grow and evolve as magical girls. They cannot directly intervene in battles normally due to their relatively fragile bodies. However, their sensory abilities eclipse that of a magical girl by far, and they enable long distance communication. Further, they are capable of replenishing the magical energy of a Mahou shoujo in and out of combat. Depending on the familiar, they are capable of using special abilities that can turn the tide of a battle in the favor of magical girls. Each one has a unique personality all its own, though a fair bit of the time they're attuned to whoever requested them. To gain a familiar, a magical girl(or girls) must go to their Moderator and get one from them. Moderators summon the familiars then bind them to the magical girl(s). The oldest familiars are called Great Elders, and are capable of surviving without the support of magical girls. Their powers and abilities dwarf the newer Familiars, but unfortunately Great Elders are no longer summonable. They simply live on, wandering the world looking for a proper master. [/hider] [hider=World Information] [b]Errors[/b] Errors are the natural enemies of magical girls- both hunt each other mercilessly. Their origin is unknown- however, regardless of this they can be extremly powerful. Low class Errors may be identical, but the stronger an error is the more unique in powers and skills they tend to be. They're monsters that take almost any form, from fairy tale creatures to even twisted versions of human animals. Some Errors even have appearances that take nothing from animals, and are completely unique in that sense. Weaker Errors are relatively easy to dispatch by destroying their body, but higher level, more unique Errors have Evil Cores. These are the source of their magic, and the best route to destroying a stronger Error is targeting this. [b]Dark Magical Girl[/b] No different than other magical girls. However, they are branded outlaws because they have killed normal humans for personal gain. That is the official ruling of moderators, but many magical girls have their own definition of what a "Dark Magical Girl" is, and some considering even small things like theft as damning. [b]Errornet.com[/b] Though in the past magical girls were once isolated, this website allows magical girls to communicate with one another fairly freely. The Moderators are moderators here, and rarely large events relevant to the world of magical girls will be posted here. However, the site is more or less a place to talk for the most part. Several other sites do the same thing, though are much smaller- such as the imageboard reichan, for example. Normal people generally assume this is some weird cosplay LARP site. For that reason, Moderators tend to cleanse and regulate the site with extreme prejudice to ensure real life people who have interest in stalking cosplaying little girls don't become regulars. [b]Valkyries[/b] A relatively obscure group of magical girls guarding the 15th providence of Rome(And a large area of countryside near it). They tend to keep to themselves, as that providence is the largest in Rome so they're constantly busy. They are semi active on Errornet.com, though they haven't yet met any other Roman magical girls. From what's said on the website, they're noted for being extremely efficient at shock attacks and mobility, which is fitting, considering the size of their territory. [b]Wandering Magical Girls[/b] As the name implies, these are magical girls who don't settle down in a single place and instead wander around fighting Errors as they find them. Fairly rare, considering magical girls tend to have lives and don't move around very much. There are a few in Rome, though due to their mobile nature it's fairly hard to meet them. [/hider] [hider=Character Sheet] Name: (Full name) Screen name: (The name they go by on Errornet.com, if they use it) Age: (11-17, with most girls being on the younger end of the spectrum) Appearance: (Words work, as does a picture. If you use a picture, place it at the top of the sheet) Nationality: (Country they hold citizenship in) Personality: (A brief explanation of their personality and mindset as a magical girl and as as person) Biography: (Their life as a normal human, and their time as a magical girl) Experience Level: (What level of experience do they hold? Covered above) Skills: (Both combat and non combat skills, tend to be relatively intertwined with their normal abilities) Magical Power: (The focus of their magical abilities. This is the special skillset that is beyond normal humanity that makes a magical girl a magical girl. They defy normal human logic and standards. Abilities are separated into First Act, Second Act, (And eventually) Finale abilities. First Act abilities are your basic special abilities, Second Act abilities are an extra kick to your already existing abilities to give them a serious edge-only veterans start with these.) [/hider] [url=http://www.chatzy.com/82625409410217]Chatzy[/url] Co GM: LaXnyd