[url=http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs4/i/2004/244/6/c/Bard.jpg]Appearance[/url] [b]Name: Bristlebane[/b] [b]Nicknames/Titles: Troubadour, Hero, Thief, Savior, Demon, Angel[/b] [b]Age: 19 [/b] [b]Skills: Music, Break-dancing, Acrobatics, Sword-fighting, cooking, lying, singing, stealing, sneaking and flirting[/b] [b]Equipment:[/b] Two Swordbreakers, Several throwing knives A lute Travelling rations A sleeping bag Flint and steel Several smoke bombs One bola One revolver A bullet mold, Lots of money and a small bugling horn [b]Personality: Bristlebane is a dashing young fellow full of liveliness and adventure. A travelling musician, but he is also more of that, he aims to become a hero of sort and is quite adept in combat, specifically when fighting many opponents, as on his travels he has often been set upon by brigands. He is a shameless flirt, however besides that he maintains a strictly chivalrous front. Of course he would never lie to a lady, much less fight one, and help any damsel in distress he can find. That said he can be a bit arrogant at times and quite overbearing [/b] [b]Biography: Bristlebane's past is unknown however many believe him to be a travelling noble, it would certainly explain his eccentrics, and his well educated manner. Of course other rumors speak of him as a terrible mix of demon and angel, one moment wooing a beautiful damsel, the next tearing into a group of villains that insist upon wrong doing. Of course no one can say for sure where he came from, perhaps even himself?[/b]