Rennac had received the call as well and was off like a shot, the thankful habit of being dressed in his armor 24/7 serving to expedite his departure. Right after paying for the room he used his jetpack to fly to the spaceport, arriving after a short flight and waiting at the hanger door for the representative to arrive. Thankfully, keeping the access codes from him was one trick Karasis wasn't able to do, having been given to him by an attendant. Smiling at his imagined victory over one he considered to be the most insufferable beings in the galaxy, he punched in the code and was happy to find the requested ship made ready. He took a quick look around to notice it was mostly stock save the promised communication system that was installed courtesy of the the Master of Structure. He made sure the engine wasn't rigged to blow when he started the ship, something he was grateful he wouldn't need to deal with once he made sure the engine was in acceptable condition. With all the physical threats dealt with he went to the computer and plugged an external datapad into the socket, doing a quick scan of the system for any malicious code or viruses as well as signs of tampering.