[b]Appearance:[/b] [IMG]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/3b/cd/b9/3bcdb9046d2a3e1f5102fc1332474188.jpg[/IMG] [b]Name: Dante[/b] [b]Nicknames/Titles: Knight/Blacksmith[/b] [b]Gender: Male[/b] [b]Age: 17[/b] [b]Skills: He has a triple spin, calling it Cyclone. He also has a jumping arc attack, slamming his sword on opponents.[/b] [b]Equipment: A long, sharp broadsword. He carries it upon his waist. He tends to carry some rations and his clothing is always travel-ready.[/b] [b]Personality: He tends to be outgoing and friendly most of the time, however, if somebody snaps at him for a mistake he makes, he will become shyer and angered. He will keep quiet at these time and always try to do everything right. He hates chaos, but also hates waiting and needing a 'plan', as he states it. He enjoys action, but knows when he needs to back up and keep living.[/b] [b]Biography: Dante was born in Hoskaros as a child, during a time of strife. He grew up learning to fight and fend for himself, learning combat skills and how to handle a blade. He had minimal gun training, but never has had a real opportunity to practice and use guns. He moved to New Torrea at the age of 15, and has a house there, and makes a decent living as a blacksmith/weapon trainer. He isn't the most well known, but some people know his name. [/b] [b]Others:[/b]