[i]Two Heads are Greater than One[/i] That was what passed through Kite's mind as he notice a friend request pop up in front of him as he was leaving. It was never his forte to join parties because in most cases they usually slowed him down on quests. But when he thought back to the battle he observed it was pretty entertaining. There was an archer who seemed to be a decent sniper; then another one had the nerve to pick up a boss weapon and bash its head in with it; then there was little barbie who took the boss head on with her hammer and shield; then they had a salamander who fought with a flaming sword; Then there was the tiny thing who jumped on top of people to score some easy hits. It could be entertaining in the least to meet up with some people who knew how to fight. Kite clicked the accept icon. After that he quickly made his way out of he dungeon. He thought it would be pointless to waste a teleport just to get back to his town. Especially if he was going to spend another hour online to grind tonight. The Spriggan made his way out of the cave and pulled out his compass. It wasn't really anything useful but it had the cardinal directions on it. He began to venture southeast from the dungeon on his journey home. Since he wasted a great amount of time with no real gain.