The special splice threw the Wolkar off and made him feel uneasy, the oddity that this dataspike was making him nervous. First copied the spike carefully to a sealed partition on his datapad and hooked it to the holo communicator, contacting the Wolkar Information Service. "Alpha Rennac Shadowclaw, authorization code Alpha-charlie-Niner-eight." After a brief moment, the WIS insignia faded and was replaced with the image of an alien reclining in a chair. Oddly enough it seemed to be a bipedal reptile, one of the many who had come to Ferran and joined the Wolkar to get a new start and a new home. "Watcher 8, analyse this data spike and try to trace back it's origin. I need to know if this is specific to the Litharian government as well as whether it's data structure is outdated or not. If it is Litharian, it could potentially could have been planted by those who are assisting my target." Once he had sent a copy of the dataspike to the analyst he then rung for the Master of Structure and the Master of Eyes, waiting on a response. While this could possibly be just something to keep the ship's records clean, he would prefer to check and verify before altering or removing it now.