[hider= Yunan] [URL=http://www.zerochan.net/1695424][IMG]http://s3.zerochan.net/Solomon.Jehoahaz.Abraham.240.1695424.jpg[/IMG][/URL] [i][b]Name:[/b][/i] Yunan [i][b]Nicknames/Titles:[/b][/i] The Weaver [i][b]Age: [/b][/i] He looks to be around 18 to his early 20s [i][b]Skills: [/b][/i] Magic - Yunan is a talented person with his skills being almost like a prodigy in the magical arts, being very talented and resourceful on what he has at hand. Despite his flaws that he has, he manages to come up with something to shorten the gaps that are made. Despite his lack of mana to preform spells after spells, he is able to preform an combination of spells to create a larger and more potent effect. This effectively saves up a small amount of mana when doing so and it takes longer but its energy-conservative. His overall knowledge of magic in every branch is well versed as if he have studied them extensively but his age and skill in them dont show, making many people doubt him. [i][b]Magic: [/b][/i] Yunan is a skilled and specializes in the branch of Lightning and Protection magic, which he effectively uses separately. He doesn't often use the two elements together but are potent either way individually. Outside those two magic branches Yunan is still capable of casting spells of above average difficulty, meaning that he is fairly proficient in general but chooses to focus on the two. His magical output is amazing and can overwhelm majority of mages who are the same caliber as him, but he is hold back by a fatal weakness. What is limiting him on using his magic is that Yunan sadly has a smaller amount of mana than the regular mage and has to be fairly careful on using his spells as he tires himself out quickly. But with the style of casting that he uses he often manages to go through a long fight with some difficulty but survives with a tiny bit of mana left. However the most noticeable spell that he seems to always have up with little to no difficulty is called the 'Borg' which is a barrier that constantly surrounds him in a yellow barrier. It can block off most physical attacks and some magical attacks but its defensive prowess depends on the magical powers of whoever use it. However an immense amount of force from a physical attack can crush and destroy the barrier, but the best way is to use magic and destroy it. (Guns.... Uhhh pls no hit me) [i][b]Equipment:[/b][/i] [list] [*][i][b]Solomon's Staff:[/b][/i] Yunan's staff is an artifact gained by mysterious means but allows him to more easily preform his spells without using much of his own mana, by drawing it upon the energy of the land and spirits its easy to use when combining spells. The absorption rate of the staff is nothing impressive but it saves Yunan a great deal of trouble but if he wants to cast magic fast he still has to contribute some mana to cast quickly. If too much energy is drawn it could create disastrous effects on the environment and cause the staff to fizzle out for hours at end making sure that Yunan doesn't overuse it. It also has a secondary use of being able to communicate to spirits and guide them to the 'after-life' if it is needed. [*][i][b]Force Necklace:[/b][/i] A necklace bought from an marketplace, it enhances magical spells placed on the user that aren't healing. Mostly bought to empower shields placed on the user by allied spells or themselves, it helps mages survive during close combat. Combined with the spell 'Borg' it creates a very powerful defense that weaker guns have trouble getting through sometimes. [*][i][b]Mystery Cube:[/b][/i] A strange cube that Yunan carries around with him, it generally has no use but when placed in a bowl of water. It adsorbs it before releasing a foreign material that slowly disappears into the air. It is presumed that it also adsorbs air as well and releases the purified form of that, making it a magical air-cleaner while storing the pollution in itself. When it is released it creates a big wind spell that knocks everything away in a 10 meter radius. [*][i][b]Traveling Bag:[/b][/i] A bag which holds all the bare necessities for Yunan when traveling, which holds a tent, a sleeping bag and occasionally has some extra food in there.[/list] [i][b]Personality: [/b][/i] Yunan is a distant person who often keeps to himself, however when aggravated and brought to a corner he turns into a unforgiving and unrelenting opponent who will probably kill a person even if they have surrendered. Yunan isn't really know for his friendliness but his loyalty is no question unless you do something to severely break his trust in which he wouldn't publicly show, you would have to find about it yourself. However, rarely when he is in the mood to be friendly or even talkative, he is often a curious person asking why this or that happens and sometimes these question can even be about general things. Although he doesn't seem like the type, he is easily impressionable by people around him and will do by example, so unless you teach him he will interpret things his own way. Outside his silence and sometimes aggressiveness, he gives off the air of naiveness and clueless to people who come upon his. [i][b][b]Biography: [/b][/b][/i] Not many people know where Yunan come from, some people says he is the apprentice of an arhcmage but ran away, other have said he is a demonic being that escaped from the clutches of the church. Other rumors says that he simply just comes a small town and recently exposed his powerful abilities as a magician. Either way it is no fact that Yunan is a rumor flying about that he is a person who is a talented mage, who is nearly unreachable with several exceptions. Scattered reports shows that Yunan is a person who doesn't linger in a place for long and has no real goal to achieve in mind, however places that are visited by him are usually highly advance in technology or in medicine of both scientific and natural kind. Besides those scattered places Yunan doesn't travel anywhere else interesting. However, the next place he is visiting now is New Torrea. [i][b]Others: [/b][/i] None [/hider]