[b]The Paladin[/b] [img]http://i50.photobucket.com/albums/f307/SirVesuvius/rsz_1193512-paladin_zpsffde3f66.jpg[/img] Home Timeline: 616 (The 'Crusade' Timeline) [i][b]Biography:[/b][/i] [i]With the demonic forces gaining momentum, the Holy Crusaders, the Catholic Church's militant arm, sought more effective means with which to combat the threats. Despite their attempts, the titanic automata fell one by one, replacing them arduous tasks which would take weeks to complete. Seeing no way of preventing the destruction of humanity with what they currently had, the Inquisition, the secretive arm of the Church, sought out those particularly blessed, demonstrating powers of particularly marked strength. One thousand men and women gathered in the city of Constantinople, now known as the Fortress of the East, having endured centuries of attacks. None were given specific information as to what would happen yet all knew that their task meant the future of the world. Upon arrival all were directed to a mausoleum at the center of the city, a massive, gilded construct of black marble. At its heart lay the body of a saint who had died five hundred years ago, single-handedly fending off an army of demons before succumbing to the taxation of utilizing such a massive amount of holy power. Body still preserved, it was explained to the thousand that with the sacrifice of their powers, the saint could be raised once again, leading humanity into a brighter future. A thousand voices spoke their agreement and a thousand heads bowed, praying in unison as light began to coalesce in the room. Each felt their holy magic draining from their bodies, flowing through the luminescence to the saint, clad still in armor. Despite the preparation and security, something began to go horribly wrong. Black streaks scattered through the light, inflicting pain in all. Fervor filled the voices, fighting the intrusion. It was for naught. Lightning, in much the same manner as the day the demons first entered the world, struck the mausoleum, cracking the roof open and piercing the body of the saint. Dark energy wreathed the body and began to drag the body into oblivion, the prayers doing nothing to stop the disappearance. One of the thousand, seeing the futility of their actions, took a knife and charged into the swirling pool of energy. Consumed instantly, her martyrdom sprung the others into action. Standing and moving forward, they formed a connected ring and as one touched the energy, it spread across all of them. Their voices did not falter as they were consumed. After a minute, only ashes were left of the thousand but the saint was saved. In a way. While not destroyed, the saint's now-living body was flung out of the timeline, left with nothing but faint memories, scrolls, and a sense of duty.[/i] [i][b]Travel Method:[/b][/i] [i]The Paladin utilizes holy magic to travel, an ritual requiring elaborate preparation and short casting time. Able to open a gate to almost any timeline due to the omnipresent nature of God. In addition, portals can be cast to areas visited previously as resonances remain to be tracked. The Paladin speaks a variant of German, similar to that of other timelines yet harsher in nature. Through spells, the Paladin can understand other languages as long as the effects last.[/i] [b]Timeline 616[/b] [i]The Crusade timeline is exactly what it says, one filled with wars of religion and fervor. Timeline 616's divergence occurred almost nine hundred years before the current date in Timeline 1 on the eve of the First Crusade of Pope Urban II. Christendom gathered its forces for the largest expedition to occur since the time of the Roman Empire, tens of thousands of soldiers and pilgrims advancing with the collective goal of reaching the city of Jerusalem. At first all went the same as in Timeline 1, the Crusaders advancing slowly but surely towards the Holy Land. All changed upon the assembly at Constantinople. With close to 50,000 people in the pilgrimage, the Crusaders awaited to cross the Bosphorus in the spring of 1097. Passage secured, all awaited to step upon the shores of the Middle East eagerly, impatient to continue their journey to Jerusalem. Arriving at the palace of the Byzantine Emperor, the nobles bid farewell to Emperor Alexios. As they turned to leave, lightning struck the palace, smashing apart the roof of the room in which they stood. Dark clouds broiled above the city, flashes of red streaming across the sky. Gaping maws of chaos opened in the clouds and hordes upon hordes of demons began to pour through. Terrified, most attempted to flee. The princes returned to their forces, rallying them to destroy the demons. Two days of bloody battle ensued until eventually the clouds closed, leaving the once great city of Constantinople a ruin and the Byzantine Empire decentralized. The Crusaders would return to Pope Urban II and tell their tale. Hearing this, he informed them of events that had occurred elsewhere. Vast swathes of the world lay in control of the demonic hordes while in the defended areas, various people were rumored to be blessed, wielding extraordinary power gifted from God in order to combat this threat. Preoccupied with defense, technology the world over stagnated, no significant advances being made. Instead, the new holy blessings were found to be able to imbue objects with life of their own, creating automatons and other automated equipment. For centuries, the Crusaders have been fighting an endless fight, attempting to eradicate the foe which threatens to consume them. After recent gains, however, reports of terrifying 'Demon Engines' have surfaced, massive constructs of immense power that could level cities at a stroke. Thousands upon thousands of blessed men gathered across Europe, creating their own titanic warriors with which to fight. But even this could not stop the incessant powers of hell. Humanity fights a losing battle and unless help can be found, the Earth shall be wreathed in fire as hordes of demons trample across the remains of civilization.[/i]