I do want to continue. If I didn't, I would have ignored this thread and not kept up our friendship, and at the least, I would have said that I can't continue, you and I both value directness. I wanted to get my post finished last night and it took me a while to find my muse. When I was about ready to go to bed and send it off, I had second thoughts and edited my post to check in real quick. This morning I got up and went back to writing for school and I was going to get your post up and someone else's ASAP. You should be aware that no one else has gotten a post from me this past week or so...it's not you, it's everyone that is waiting for me and I feel like shit about it. I feel like shit because I'm still not used to managing real life and online responsibilities with a full course load. You know I enjoy our story and we have so many things planned...I'm juggling this seven page essay which should have been done last week but since the school had to drop a massive bombshell on me as you know, it had to be pushed to the weekend which started off with moving furniture for painters, getting my parents out the door for their week long trip up north, and catching up on posts, which was what I was looking forward to the most. And yours was the first one I was eager to get up. All I can say is I am sorry, I do want to continue and that you've been really awesome with putting up with this fucking delay and I do appreciate you being a friend and listening to my crap. I feel like a shit friend for making you wait and making you uneasy about things but if you want to talk, you can give me a call. I'll need to be in bed early tonight because painters like showing up at 7AM but I swear, I'll put this essay aside real quick and finish my tweaks and get you my post. ^^