The Captain looked Colonel over, he was brave no doubt even those high or chem's retained enough sense not to approach the Astartes. "I look forward to watching your men fight Colonel, Redemption in the eyes of the Emperor is a worthy goal. Forgive me if I don't shake you hand however I power armor it hard to judge one's strength. Now I believe we should leave the Inquisitors ship and head down to battle. We shall command from the front as the Emperor wills, if you would you may join me in personal shuttle down, it can fit all of you and your command crew easily." Finally he turned to acknowledge the Inquisitor. "If you have need of me I will be planet side, winning your war and doing my duty and if you attempt to order MY fleet let me remind you that Brother Librarian Amos will contact the Rock, the Dark Angels are here to kill the heretics and Xenoes and leave. If you attempt tell us otherwise I'm sure Grand Master Belial wouldn't mind explaining further. He was here for one purpose and one purpose alone, to hunt Fallen Lord and to seek repentance for his brothers sin's. Unknown Forgeworld, Ork territory Cypher stalked quietly through the battlefield, he was searching for the guardsmen he spotted earlier, no doubt they lay up ahead, he found them sitting upon a hill, he heard one of them moan about how the Asartes took all the credit. So he spoke up, greeting them with a joke of sorts. "Yes I've come to do your job, fear not Guardsmen. The Dark Angels are here to assist, it you who deserve the credit." He smiled placed a hand on each of his pistol. "I come with a warning, it seems Chaos forces are headed this way no doubt to steal your prize, I suggest you hurry your mission along. The Chaos Space marines are much tougher than your average Ork." He spoke from experience. "I you wish I shall lead them away and buy you time. Unless you think I would steal your glory with that."