Aubrey bolted up so she was standing as straight as a pole. She fixed the two men with a wide stare and then shrank back behind the screen. They were here. That was them. It was her time. Her upper lip lifted itself to reveal her mean, sharp teeth and a growl rumbled from her chest into her throat. The part of her that knew logic and common sense wanted to give in; after all, the worker had a prod and would easily beat her into bloody submission if he needed to. But there was the part of her that made her a werewolf: The wild animal in her, the creature that responded to threats by [i]being[/i] one. Like always, this part won over, and the soft warning growl had increased to thunder now. Rey felt a chill run down his spine. He made sure to stay behind Clifford. One of them sounded like it was definitely going to jump out at them and attack, and he felt surrounded. He glanced around, hoping to see the friend who'd gone missing. He wasn't there. Pushing back disappointment, he focused back on Clifford and the weapon he held. The sound of growling was really creeping him out, but could he really blame them? All he could do was keep filming and hope they didn't tackle him and break the minuscule camera.