[h2]Municipal District II - San Lorenzo Base [/h2] The hunt was dull. After five years of the same thing, wandering from city to city, nation to nation, exterminating the Errors, Tsukimon Arata had finally come to this conclusion. Initially it had been difficult, as it was with any activity one was new at, but after the first year the risky edge had begun to fade more and more with each passing day. Of all the Errors she had fought, only one stuck out in her mind, the one which she had failed to kill - and the one which had not killed her. Foolishness. Tsukimon closed her eyes, sitting with the left leg out and the other knee raised, resting her right arm across the knee and her back to a wall. The vacant warehouse Silva and herself had claimed in San Lorenzo was like the many others in this area - big, spacious and formerly used by art students from the near by University. They went unchecked by any local authority for the most part, and it had become a sort of tradition for students to turn these places into their 'studios' of work. It was a decent enough cover, even if she was the only one who could possibly pass for a university student...just. To help pass this off, Tsukimon had spent the better part of a week brushing up on her caligraphy and artistic skills to leave around the place on giant canvases in classic student style. If it were up to her though, the place would be spartan besides maybe a few beds and a kitchen area to work with. Heating and electricity were not a problem either. Mob money did wonders, and her grandfather was nice enough to treat her like a princess still. All in all, it was starting to look pretty homey, and that was not something Tsukimon was all too eager about. She was what errornet dubbed a 'Wandering Magical Girl', and she acknowledged this. At this rate however, she might just start becoming attached to the warehouse and her team. How frustrating. She had been making an effort to be a leader for this 'team' of theirs while at the same time remaining distant - but that was not going well. She lead, yes, but trying to remain professional and formal with the others was difficult. Marie and her cooking was mostly to blame. Damn Marie and her absurdly good cooking. A sigh escaped Tsukimon's lips, moving her mind away from such thoughts and onto nothingness, taking this peaceful moment to meditate...or sleep, depending on who you asked.