[@TheSovereignGrave][@Isotope]There are only 2 main sects...shows how much you read. The sect known as 'Zen' is the only other sect that comes to mind (and it is technically Mahayana), it is also closest my own beliefs and I have extensively researched it. Please do not combat me. I know what I am talking about and I am on my phone cringing to make my point. They are lead by Llamas, which are monks. (The Dalai Llama is essentially a pope). Also, who eats carcasses? Unless they are body scavenging, they probobaly stay vegan. Some ancient hardline monks went military, but they were expelled from Buddhism. Perhaps if he adds that a militaristic sect took over, but Tibetan [i][i]are[/i][/i] Theravada Buddhist. Also, Vajrayana Buddhists are a subsect of Theravada. Buddhism is similar divided to Christianity in terms of a conservative and reformative branch.