[u][b][i]Nathaniel[/i][/b][/u] "Barge in?" Nathanial answered [b]Alaric [/b]with a smile and shuffled his cards. "I need to sit [i]somewhere [/i]on the ride, don't I? And I find card-reading to be a bit of fun... and an excellent ice breaker... So I invited you to play along!" "What do I usually Do? I like games. Wizards chess. Cards. Quidditch. It's your first year right? If you need anything let me know, Hogwarts can be a really confusing place at first, but it is very fun..." It was Alaric's last question that changed the mood. Nathaniel paused, as if in a bit of shock. The corners of his mouth dropped into a frown as he regarded Alaric. He picked up a card from the top of the deck, showing it to the first year. It was The Moon card again. The two wolves howling... the two towers... and the scorpion in the river... "Good luck to you." His tone was less friendly. Stood, placing the deck in the back pockets of his blue jeans. Then he grabbed his bag and left the compartment without another word.