[CENTER][b]Appearance:[/b][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://cs625629.vk.me/v625629393/218b7/0Rq4NTbUa-c.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [b]Name:[/b] Hazael Michaellis [b]Nicknames/Titles:[/b] Knight Lieutenant Commander, The Strongest of the Triumvirate. Triumvirate (alongside her siblings) [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Age:[/b] 19 [b]Skills:[/b] [list] [*]Michaellis Sword Play: It starts with her and will probably end with her. She designed this style of swordplay out of need because she wanted to protect his siblings. She uses a greatsword with great dexterity and speed, even if it wouldn't seem possible, both because of her build and the weight of the sword, and yet, her strikes are both precise and deadly. However, this kind of swordplay tires her like no other thing. If a fight prolongs a bit too much, even if she wins, she may need to stay in the hospital for a while. [*]Sneak: As a former hunter of the wilds, Hazael knows how to sneak up on anyone and them not noticing before it is too late. [*]Endurance: Hazael is very durable. It is a common rumor in Torrea that she took a bullet to the heart and survived. It is a mystery whether this is true or not. [/list] [b]Equipment:[/b] [list] [*][I]The Templar's Stigmata[/I], not an special weapon, nor enchanted. Hazael merely thinks it sounds cool like that. A greatsword forged by one of the best blacksmiths in Torrea. [*]Traveling Wares and Trinkets, all of them safely packed in a backpack she tends to either drag around with her or leave at the doorstep of his house. It is a bad idea to steal it, though, the retribution will be terrible. [*]Heavy Duty Lieutenant Commander armor, an extremely heavy suit of armor she sports only in the most critical situations, otherwise, she goes into battle with light armor. This is mostly because this armor is way too heavy and makes her fighting clumsy and slow. [/list] [b]Personality:[/b] Calm and stoic, truly a composed person. She has a motherly aura to her, since she has taken care of her siblings since they were just babies. It is really hard to see her in another mood that isn't either happy or calm, still, they do say that the scariest people are the calmest ones. It is really hard to get her mad, but if you do, well, you probably deserve what is coming onto you. She can also be quite the jester at times too, coming up with witty sarcastic comments or things of the like. Hazael also has an incredible sense of comradery, as she is unable to leave behind or even bare to see someone troubled with their problems. She will always try her best to aid her comrades in arms or friends whenever she is able to. Hazael also doesn't have what is called a moral compass. She will do just about anything the king orders her to do, no matter how evil, still, she doesn't follow the same rule when receiving orders from the prime minister. Still, her loyalty will become null if the order involves making some kind of harm to her siblings, as she values them over everything else. She will forget even her dearest friends if they manage to damage her precious siblings in the slightest. A bit obsessive and nagging, people often see her both as a father AND a mother. [b]Biography:[/b] Hazael used to live in a forest near the border of New Torrea with Nijiara. It was pretty calm and she could hunt all she wanted because of that. She live in a log cabin between the woods with her other 4 siblings, making them a family of 5 in total. 3 women and 2 men. Orphans since Hazael first had use of reason, they were left there in the woods by their parents when Hazael first knew how to talk, walk, and think for herself. She had to take care of all of her siblings, one of which was a baby. Life was rough, but she soon got the hang of it. Go out with a bow, spot an animal, kill it, bring it home and eat. Wash, rinse, repeat. They got by by just doing that. She also taught her other siblings how to hunt and use weapons, to defend themselves. Living there in the border was really peaceful since political matters didn't affect them. It was a harsh, but still happy life. That is, until soldiers and knights from New Torrea started coming to the log cabin, demanding the payment of taxes they weren't even aware of. After scaring them more than a couple of times, New Torrea finally decided to do something smart, ask them to join their military. Seeing this as a way out of having to risk their lives just to live another day, Hazael took them up on their offer almost instantly. Still, her two sisters decided to stay there, after the recruiter told them what was happening in the capital. Hazael was also okay with that, and confident that she could actually defend herself, and left to the capital with her other two brothers. After entering the military, she and his sibling experienced a rapid development and soon scalated through the ranks, leaving others in the dust. Both of her siblings are currently just a few ranks below Hazael herself. Hazael has been called a prodigy, even though she doesn't quite feel like it. [b]Others:[/b] Her siblings are named Kendrick, Uriah, Isabel and Astarte.