Yasuri ignored Zee's attempt to calm his vexation. As he angrily strode across the field to the ruins to finish his mission his foot broke through the ground and he tumbled into an underground lair and bumped into something. Dazed he shook his head and looked down at what he had landed on, at first he thought it was a strange colored rock, but as yellow eyes appeared and a glistening yellow stinger rose up Yasuri realized he had landed on a Deathclaw. Somehow managing to keep a cool head in the dire situation he parry the incredibly fast stinger to the side and jumped out of the hole he had stumbled into and ran towards the ruins. He was going to get his gosh dang artifact, then he would deal with the stupid scorpion that was rapidly climbing out of its hole and chasing after him. What kinda beast made a lair that poorly constructed anyway, he thought to himself angrily. As he ran towards the ruins hoping Zee would follow and help him deal with the threat he noticed two other people also on their way there. It looked like the girl who thought he was a pervert and someone else, Nero if he remembered correctly. "HEY, MIGHT WANT TO START RUNNING!" he called out hopefully grabbing their attention