Kieron perked to attention when the sound of growling filled his ears. He looked over to see the usual keeper, Cliff, beginning to round up those ready to be taken for harvest. But an unfamiliar figure was behind Cliff, and an unfamiliar scent soon followed into Kieron's nose. His nostrils flared as he took in the new scent. He could smell the timidness on the man, clearly someone new. Which was sort of strange, seeing as Lunie wasn't ready and willing to bring outsiders in on their little torture chamber very often. Though Kieron usually remained in his human form (in part due to his lack of strength to shift) he was still very keen on his werewolf insticts. And with that, came a pack mentality. When he heard the defensive growling of one of his cellmates, a deep growl quickly began to grow in his chest. He knew what would happen, they would be prodded or drugged or shot with a tranquilizer. But that wasn't enough to stop the [i]instincts.[/i] He took a few steps closer on his shaky legs and the growling was now fully audible. He kept a low stance, almost crouched as he waited for someone to make a move.