[b]Appearance:[/b] [url=http://i.imgur.com/JAGjuIw.png]Torie[/url] [url=http://i.imgur.com/eWfL25Q.png?3]Torie's Clothes[/url] [b]Other Details:[/b] His Guild Mark is olive green, and is located on his right forearm. He stands at exactly 5'11 and a 1/2. His helmet is usually kept in his Reequip space, and he only wears it for special occasions. Or to look cool. Mostly the latter. [b]Name:[/b]Torie Derringer [b]Nicknames/Aliases:[/b] None [b]Age:[/b] 17 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Sexuality:[/b] [s]Heterosexual[/s] JUSTICE! [b]Personality:[/b] Torie is a pretty cheerful guy most of the time, usually upbeat, and has a unique sense of right and wrong. He's a bit on the stubborn side, and has a firmly rooted belief in what he describes as: "His Justice". He can be a bit overprotective of people he cares about, his sisters in particular, and will stop at nothing to stop harm from coming to them. [b]Magic Type:[/b] Caster [b]Mage Rank:[/b] B [b]Magic:[/b] Barrier Magic [b]Description:[/b] A magic that focuses on creating strong magical barriers that work effectively as shields. While lacking any real offensive capabilities in and of themselves, the barriers can actually be moved by the caster, and can be flung as projectiles. Given his lack of experience, Torie can only maintain a barrier if it is within 30 ft of him, any further and it will shatter nearly instantly. He can form the barriers into nearly any shape he desires, though intricate details are difficult to create. The barriers are all a dull mint green, and are transparent like glass. [b]Biography:[/b] Torie was born into a rather poor family, along with 2 younger sisters, and an older brother. By the time he was 10 and his brother was 13, their parents passed away in an accident at the docks they worked at. Struggling to get by with what work they could, the two brothers eventually started stealing to feed their siblings, as well as themselves. As the years passed, they got more and more ambitious, never really getting caught, thanks to Torie's brother Morton's planning, and his quick hands. Time passed, and eventually, like all thieves, the two were caught red-handed trying to rob a nobleman's house. In an act of profound selflessness, Torie's brother took all the blame upon himself, and was sentenced to 4 years juvenile imprisonment for severe grand theft. Torie, left alone and without the brains behind the operation, was at a loss as to what he could do to feed his sisters, and so, stole what he could. Unfortunately, or rather, fortunately for him, one fateful day when he was 15, he attempted to pick the pocket of a man who moved at blinding speed, and had the strength of a bison. The man could have easily snapped his arm like a twig, but instead spared the pickpocket. Rather than informing the authorities, the man seemed to see something within the boy that he himself could not see, and so, took him under his wing as an apprentice of using Barrier Magic, an uncommon choice for most mages, especially novice ones. His invitation was even extended to his two younger sisters, though they seemed to lack whatever untapped potential Torie had. The man would often preach to Torie the importance of Justice in the world, and that even above laws, Justice should stand as a shining beacon that every man can look to and see something entirely different, yet at the core, the same. When the time finally came for them to part, his master left without a trace, having never given his name, and saying nothing to anybody. The only thing left behind was an oddly crafted green helmet with a gold visor, with the word: "Gerechtigkeit" engraved into the scalp. With no real aim in life, he figured that he could use his new-found magic to provide for his siblings, and so, decided that he'd need to join a Mage's Guild. Who better than Fairy Tail?