[b]Name:[/b] Chloe Magnolia Chevalier [b]Nicknames/Titles:[/b] The Paper Angel [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Age:[/b] 25 [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/Jii3FVQ.jpg[/img][/center] [b]Appearance:[/b] A young Caucasian woman with striking red eyes and long pale red hair that reaches down to her waist. She has a slightly eccentric manner of dress, wearing a pair of red tinted goggles on her forehead and long flowing scarf at all times. She stands at roughly 5ft11 in height and has a lithe, toned figure. Her left arm is bandaged up to the elbow, covering a burn mark received when when she was still an inexperienced magi. Her bandaged hand is hidden beneath a robust, armour lined glove. In contrast she wears a fingerless black glove on her right. [b]Skills:[/b] Magical Resonance – Paper God Magic can resonate with benign magical essences to either reinforce spells already present such as wards or seals or to imbue her paper with additional properties. The latter requires cooperation with another mage. Resonating magic is far more difficult to interfere with and disrupt. It is also more draining on the user as well. Foci Split – Chloe has trained to be able to effectively wield a wide variety of weaponry so as to make best use of her particular style of magic. This skill allows her to seamlessly swap between weapon types without interrupting her rhythm. Her skill level is easily exceeded by masters of particular weapon types or styles, as one would expect. The power of Foci Split lies in versatility and adaptability. Strong Vessel - Years training as an apprentice to an experienced mage have their benefits, such as rigorous, repetitive training of even the most basic of cantrips. From such practice an apprentice gains increased magical stamina and efficiency. [b]Magic:[/b] Paper God Magic is the ability to freely manipulate sheets of paper through the will of the user to form a wide variety of shapes and forms. The more skilled the user the more complicated and intricate the shapes that can be formed. Paper that is being manipulated is far more durable and resistant to damage than conventional paper and is as strong as any steel while Paper God Magic flows through it. Basic practitioners of this magic use it to form small weapons and shields, more advanced practitioners have a far more varied repertoire of techniques as their disposal. The greatest weakness of Paper God Magic is that of fire, regardless of whether the fire is magical or natural in origin, though natural fire needs to burn far hotter then magical fire to inflict the same degree of damage. Paper that has been soaked in water or oil is also an issue for practitioners of this form of magic as it becomes more difficult to wield, especially if magic is involved. However paper that is already being manipulated can only be drenched by the use of magically imbued water. As distance from the caster increases so does the difficulty in maintaining control of any manipulated units of paper, preventing effective long range attacks and limiting the effective range of the magic to medium range at most. Elemental Affinity – Paper God Magic *Fire – Very Weak *Water – Weak *Earth – Resistant *Lightning – Resistant *Wind – Resistant *Light – Neutral *Darkness – Neutral [b]Equipment:[/b] *Goggles – Red tinted goggles used to reduce the glare of bright lights and to protect the eyes from dust and the like. *Scarf – A wide and long brown scarf worn around the neck. Possesses no magical or supernatural properties, its value purely sentimental. Whatever material it is made from it does not burn very easily. *Backpack – Full of paper mostly, along with a few perishables. *Steel Rods – It is easier to form a weapon around a core material then without one. [b]Personality:[/b] Chloe can be somewhat eccentric in both her mannerisms and actions but there is never any doubt as to the honesty of her intentions and is generally easy to befriend. She often comes across as a somewhat lazy, needlessly cheerful and surprisingly intrusive individual with no apparent notion of privacy or personal boundaries. In battle Chloe will always seek out the tactical advantage, preferring to avoid head on and prolonged combat when at all possible. She is also very protective, willingly sacrificing her own safety to shield other people from harm. Unsurprisingly she has been injured more than a few times, sometimes grievously. She is terrified of magical fire and will cocoon herself in paper if she has no way of running away. [b]Biography:[/b] Chloe is the adopted daughter of knight commander Callahan Chevalier, a brave and well respected soldier in service to his majesty king Allamon of Torrea. Something of a tomboy Chloe spent far too much time at her fathers heel growing up, her natural curiosity always getting her into mischief of one sort or another. Not that her father minded all that much, he was happy so long as she was happy. But things are never that simple in the real world and when Chloe started puberty her magic started to manifest itself. Violently. Untrained magic is dangerous for all concerned and so it was with a heavy heart that Callahan sent his daughter to Milokis to be apprenticed to an experienced mage at the behest of King Allamon's court mage, who used his connections to secure the arrangement. Being apprenticed to a mage was not such a bad thing as it turned out, there was always something to occupy her curiosity. And she was a quick study, her form of magic relying more heavily on intuition than extensive and studious discipline. As a mage in training she was expected to perform all manner of tasks as deemed appropriate by her master. These included lofty tasks such as accompanying knights into dangerous ruins to battle evil monstrosities, to chasing rats with a broom in the masters pantry. Both were equally important, according to her master. Though Chloe had her doubts on that account. One day, her master assured her, she would understand. She had yet to complete her apprenticeship when word of civil unrest reached her, followed shortly thereafter by the news that her father had just barely survived an assassination attempt by some unknown faction. Chloe returned to the capital as soon as she was able, her master wishing her all the best, knowing he could not dissuade her from her course. After all, she was her fathers daughter.