Leo roared out in pain when she fired off her shotgun at point-blank range. He was fast, but not fast enough to dodge a bullet, nor did his Kevlar-laced pants suffice to stop a shotgun blast from this distance. The pellets tore many small holes in the fabric around his knee and caused an explosion of white sparks as they pierced into his flesh and cracked his bone. The affected leg quickly gave out, causing him to painfully fall down to one knee in an attempt to shift his weight. Crouched down as he was, he was nearly at eye level with her. He couldn’t allow her to get another shot off, or this wouldn’t end well for him. She needed both hands to reload, he assumed, so he had an opening before she could fire again. Quickly, he twisted his hand to grab onto the arm she was holding him with from below, engaging in a mutual hold. His other hand reached out to try grabbing her gun arm by the wrist, while simultaneously he opened his jaws wide and lunged forward with his head, aiming to bite Morrigan in the side of her neck with his five-inch fangs.