[quote=@The Patriarch] I don't believe in egalitarianism, hierarchy is natural because almost every mammal species does it and it is quite clear that humans had a social order long before the dawn of civilization. [/quote] Thats because other animals and our ancestors lacked the brainpower to think beyond doing anything else besides clubbing each other over the head to get what we want, and in that scenario it would most likely be food. In our modern society however we, for the most part, are able to come up with alternatives, like sharing. [quote=@The Patriarch] I also think democracy is overrated and is idealistic and almost always leads to chaos and fascism. [/quote] I think that stretches the truth a bit. We have to take into other facotrs like the Economy, the Culture, the History, the Era, and other facotrs within the Society itself. So i think what we should instead be looking at is "What is the best form of Democracy?". Is it One-Party styled? Two-Party styled? Three-Party styled? Multi-Party styled? Constitutional? Republican? Marxist? [quote=@The Patriarch] I am pro-government and would rather have a diverse authoritarian or monarchy style government. [/quote] What do you mean by "Diverse Authoritarian"? [quote=@The Patriarch] For me the real reason our politics suck is because we allow emotional bitches rule our political debates and have emotional tantrums when things don't go their way. I hate liberals and view them as the new crusaders because of their idiotic self righteousness, but I also don't like ultra conservatives because of their ridiculous political strategies. [/quote] Well i can agree with you on this at least. I think our whole Government system needs to be scrapped and built from the bottom up [quote=@The Patriarch] As for my views on religion, I'm not religious but I love religion and view it as one of the biggest influences on our creative culture. I'm a Catholic and proud of it [/quote] So, if you don't mind me asking, are you a Atheist? And i thought i should point out the obvious but you cant be not Religious and a Catholic at the same time. I assume your talking about the tenets and all but I thought i may as well mention it [quote=@UltikanaRe] [url=http://gyazo.com/a70996532c37833bf26cedf196bf28d4]Click to see political compass[/url] I believe in the infinite benefits of free trade, as trade by definition makes both parties better off. [/quote] "The infinite benefits of free trade". Wow. I dont think I've ever heard such a Capitalistic statement. Please, go ahead and list all of these infinite benefits... ...or at least a few thousand as i wouldn't want you to be typing for eternity [quote=@The Patriarch] I also really hate punks and modern counter culture. Those drug addicts and idiots have greatly contributed to the disinterest of politics among young people. [/quote] From the perspective of a young, lower-middle class, regional Australian I think the whole fuckery that is our government and the current state of our politics is what is driving kids away from politics. Then again most of my generation seems to be a bunch of morons in general so I don't know