[quote=@Savo] -Yuki : The Streets of Tokyo- The boy looked at the girl with a puzzled looked plastered on his face. One of his eyebrows cocked up in sheer confusion of what this girl meant. Something was peculiar about this whole situation as no one truly noticed her, not even Rin acknowledged this girls presence. He pondered on what this could mean, thinking about multitudes of possibilities in hand. Was this girl some sort of spectre or spirit wandering amongst the living? No that couldn't exactly be it as he felt the girls shoulder when tapping on it. Yuki put one of his fingers up to his chin, and went into a sort of thinking pose about this whole thing. Maybe she was a transfer student or people just generally ignored her at school... Then again, he would of probably noticed her plus Rin would of commented on her as he is not one to ignore girls, especially cute ones. He tapped his chin a couple of times before giving up on sweating the details and attempting to deduct what was going on. Instead, he decided to answer her with a question... Sort of. "Eh, what do you mean how can I notice you? I mean, how could I not easily see you, plus I almost bumped into you... Are you a new student or something as I've generally never seen your face around Tokyo before, or at all for the matter... Then again, being amongst myriads of people in a huge city makes it rather understandable to a certain degree... But anyways, that's not the point. Why are you so confused on me seeing you by the way?" As the boy asked the girl as he moved his hands up to the headphones on his ears and brought them down around his neck. He tilted his head to thesis in sheer wonder about this girl, his blue eye studying her. She looked to be around his age, maybe younger depending on a few factors, however what she said next remainder to be seen. He moved his arms down to the side, looking at her waiting for the girl to answer him. Hopefully it was plausible for what he heard come out of the girls mouth. Maybe if she was lost or something and no one cared, yeah he could see that happening, but not anything farfetched. [/quote] "I-I'm a journalist here on a assignment but I lost my assignment partner." Kasai said laughing awkwardly, hoping he believed her lie. She wasn't one to go around announcing that she was a god. Especially a god of combat. The brown haired girl didn't even appear as one.