[b]Appearance[/b] [img]http://i60.tinypic.com/348r6tk.jpg[/img] Stands around 5'0 and his build seems fairly lean and small though he has a pretty toned body due to his years of training. Despite his years of training however, his figure is still mostly slender and small, even a bit on the frail side. Causing him to usually be mistaken as girlish sometimes. His guildmark will be a dark green on the left side of his neck. [b]Name[/b] Karn Arikelia [b]Nickname/Alias[/b] The Chimera [b]Age[/b] 19 [b]Sexuality[/b] Demisexual [b]Personality[/b] Karn is a pretty carefree fun loving girlish man. He honestly could be mistaken either gender due to his pretty looks. Although unexpectedly, he seems to rather enjoy playing either role. He's pretty playful and often a curious sort who ends up getting into a bit of trouble on his own. He revels in making friends and attempting to please others to the best of his abilities. He's a bit immature and acts just like a child, but when push comes to shove in a serious situation, he will fight for his friends to his grave. He's highly dependent, seeming to favor others words highly and gets lonely easily. He also trusts easily, which can lead into him being take advantage of. Karn also has several animalistic habits. Like licking himself, sniffing things, playing with yarn balls, and other things. [b]Magic Type[/b] Caster [b]Magic Level[/b] A [b]Magic[/b] Transformation Magic- Karn has the ability to transform into any living creature be it beast or human as long as he has seen it. The bigger and more powerful the transformation is, the more magic it uses. Though most of the magic is used up with multiple transformations at once. Mostly between bigger forms. It is a powerful magic that comes with a high risk. If the user should get too stressed out, feel a abundant amount of negative dark feelings such as doubt, low self esteem or confidence, and most of all fear while in another form. This risks losing their normal self to the one they currently are in. Acting to what the user believed the transformation would act. For example, a cat. A cat would meow and not talk, eat fish and chase mice and sleep quite a bit during the day. All the user would act like, believing he was just a cat. The user uses up all of their magic, staying transformed until the magic is out. This of course, can lead to death due to a Mage's life force connected with their magic. Anger is the most dangerous, and may cause the user to be totally berserk and animalistic. Karn isn't able to copy wizard magic, but he can utilize some animal magic, but using them costs quite a bit of magic and is taxing. [b]Regular Magic Spells[/b] [hider=Chimera] [img]http://i57.tinypic.com/33wpr7s.jpg[/img] Karn's currently most powerful form. Being both a powerhouse and a speedy creature. With deadly claws, fangs and horns. It has a tough hide, and heals faster then average forms. Karn is able to keep this form for a week straight without battle. [u]Beast Magic[/u] - Chimera Roar: A large blast of blue fire is unleashed from this spell.[/hider] [hider=Large Snake] [img]http://i57.tinypic.com/1rdctk.jpg[/img] A large venomous snake that is large enough and big enough to wrap itself around a human. It's poison can be deadly if not properly treated. Though the antidote is commonly known for this type of snake. It also secretes a paralyzing venom that is temporary, length depends on the person's body. Karn can last two weeks in this form.[/hider] [hider=Cat] [img]http://i60.tinypic.com/23kur9j.png[/img] Not necessarily a strong creature, being a regular house cat, but a few scratches still doesn't feel good! Plus it's adorable and Karn often likes being it since it does require as much magical energy. Karn can last a month in this form or any small form.[/hider] [hider=Pegasus] [img]http://i62.tinypic.com/2v8fw2p.jpg[/img] Pegasus's are known to be fast rideable flyers, big enough to fly with two people. They are not real fighters, having very little to defend themselves. Still they are both fleet footed on land and in the sky. Making a excellent way of travel. So Karn doesn't usually transform into it unless he needs to get somewhere. Karn can last two weeks in this form.[/hider] [b]Biography[/b] Karn grew up in a fairly small eastern town, he had loving parents and a elder brother. However, at the age of six, his mother had gotten caught in a storm during a fishing trip she took him on, inevitebly drowning to her death. He had barely survived the incident. When his father realized what happened, he became depressed and started to drink more. Karn's elder brother had to work hard in order to keep them fed. Their father was a bad alcoholic, and took out his frustrations on Karn, blaming him for his mother's death and ended up doing quite a bit of horrific things a parent can do to a child. Karn's elder brother ignored him, wanting no part in his younger brother's or was simply too busy to pay any mind to anything. At the age of ten, Karn discovered his magical ability when he accidentally changed into a cat in order to get away from his father. When his father discovered such a ability, Karn was disowned and kicked out of the house, raving about how his magic proved he was a devil's child that only killed and destroyed. He wandered the lands for around a month before bumping into a guild wizard who happened to have transformation magic. Since his mother died, Karn hadn't smiled so big after meeting his Master, Rian. A powerful woman who treated her pupil like a son. For years he trained under her, while listening her tales on guild life and how it was like a real family. Karn craved such a livelihood, and after his master mysteriously disappeared, he continued traveling the land in order to search for her and join a guild he can call a home. [b]Themes[/b] [url=https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=_OgxqNWoGmY]Hysteria-Nano[/url] [url=https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Pk3EUwBzDuw]Hysteria Acoustic-Nano[/url] [url=https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=vBpwJJonlLY]Gravity-Wolfs Rain Ending Theme[/url] [b]Other[/b] - He doesn't enjoy transforming into bugs. Finding the experience weird and freaky. - He has extreme Hydrophobia. Be it oceans, rivers, lakes, or a glass of water... Karn will freak out. But for some reason, is alright with rain. - He seems to enjoy dancing, singing and cross dressing. - He dreams of seeing a dragon so he can transform into one. - He's a pretty good tracker, and utilizes his animal form's senses well. - He can actually cook pretty well. -[color=1b1464]He doesn't tell anyone, but his human body is quite weak and has some fatal health problems.[/color]