-Yuki : The Streets of Tokyo- As the girl answered him, Yuki cocked one of his eyebrows up in sheer doubt of this girls claims. She mildly stuttered a bit, and appeared to be rather nervous, but it seemed to be about something else from what he could tell. As he scanned her with his dull blue eyes, he pondered on if she was truly credulous on what she said as she giggled in an awkward way. The boy glared at the girl with his mundane look, going into a sort of thinking pose with a finger up to his own lip. After a few seconds, he withdrew his hand and let it drop down to his side. Before he could speak out, another feminine voice gave a shout out to the girl. The boy looked to see that it was another girl, and supposedly this girls partner. As soon as the two reunited with each other, a sly grin creeped up on the boys face as he eyed the two girls. He felt these two wern't journalists as there really wasn't anything peculiar going on from what he could tell... Then again he could be wrong in his thought process. Either way, he knew who one of the cute girls identities now at least. It was best to learn if they really were lying, or tell I the truth as her partners comment made her claim sketchy to say the least. He felt the need to feign ignorance so they could play along without seeming suspicious. "Ah, so you must be this girls partner... I guess she has no need to introduce her self to me at the moment. The name is Yuki, and it's a pleasure to meet you Kaisai-san and her lovely partner in crime... Or, more or less journalism. Say, what are you two writing over miss... Erm, what's your name, as I only know your friends name so far missy."