Amy would be forever thankful for the smile on Jackson's face as Aaron waved, and introduced himself, and spoke to him. He looked up at her and said [color=6ecff6]"I wanna play Fishy game! Whats Fishy Game?"[/color] He just seemed so excited, and happy. He seemed to have really enjoyed the attention of an older male, and not for the first time, Amy worried that she couldn't be everything he needed. She knew one day he would start to ask questions about his father...and what could she say? she swallowed, and plastered on a smile. [color=f26522]"Remember fishing? It's kinda like that. I'm sure Aaron will show you how it works"[/color] She said to Jackson, starting to follow Aaron, tight hold on Galahad's leesh, and Jackson holding his collar, like she had taught him. It was easier for Jackson to hold the dog's collar, then to hold her hand. Galahad was more his height, and wouldn't let Jackson get hurt. Jackson looked about with clear, evident, childish excitement. s Rei introduced himself, she wondered if he was a transgender, as he asked them to address him as male. At the moment. It was something she would like to know, but didn't want to seem rude. So she didnt ask. The pastors daughter didn't introduce herself, but explained about the tickets. Amy gave her a smile and a nodded, saying thank you. As the pastors daughter looked away from Jackson, Amy wondered if she made a bad judgement about her. Well. If she did, it didn't matter. When they reached the Fishy game, Amy took out two tickets, giving them to the attendant for herself and Jackson, accepting the two rods. She let Aaron go first, Jackson watching like a hawk, before looking up at her. [color=6ecff6]"I'm going to try now"[/color] he said, approaching the tub, he tried to mimic Aaron's pose, causing Amy to smile. She stepped up beside him, ready to help him up. Jackson began to try and hook a fish on the rod, his face filled with pure concentration, this time his tongue was sticking out of his mouth, as if that could help. She had to step back, and take a photo with her phone, before returning to his side. She watched as Jackson tried to hook a fish, but it slipped away. He kept on trying, and Amy could see that his frustration kept on growing with each miss. He frowned though as Alver gave him the white dog, shook his head, but Alver had already walked off. Amy watched Jackson as he watched the scene with the Albino boy, then watched as her son toddled over to him, white dog in his arms, the rod in one hand. He handed the dog back, and most likely because it was the only easily accessible area to hug, Jackson hugged the alibo's legs, before stepping back and looking up at him. [color=6ecff6]"I'll get my own. Mommy says you are a-al-albiny. Donno what that is. She says its like the white paint"[/color] Jackson smiled, clearly pleased with his explanation, [color=6ecff6]"thank you for the doggie. It was fuzzy, and white. You should keep it. Everyone should have toys"[/color] He skipped off happily, back to the fish game, and once more began to try and score some fish, going for one colour, clearly having figured out that was how you get the big toys. Amy went over to the pale boy, ignoring the comment off [color=fff200]"figured one freak would have a kid with another freak"[/color]. She gave him a smile, Galahad following beside her easily. [color=f26522]"I've tried to teach my boy to respect people. He can't pronounce some of the hard words quite yet, but he's got a big heart, and a strong sense of courage. I realise you may have heard him ask why you were so pale, back at the church. He is just so curious. I tried to explain it as best as I could, and realise you may have heard that as well. I just want to apologise for that. I realise how judgmental the people of this town are, and I'm terribly sorry for that. Keep the dog. That will make Jackson happier then having it for himself"[/color] She looked over at her son as he triumphly took a fish off his hook, a red one. He cheered, and her heart melted once more as he turned to Aaron, cheering [color=6ecff6]"I did it, I did it!"[/color], holding the fish up, and she laughed softly. Without thinking about it, she rummaged through her Jackson bag, taking out some wet-wipes, [color=f26522]"Let me clean up that sauce and stuff. It won't get it all out, but at least you won't have it on you. Probably won't save the coat though."[/color] She said regretfully, as Jackson scored a blue fish. He let out a groan, but the attendant explained he could still get a good prize. So Jackson eagerly Attacked the tub again.