*reads characters* Amazing swordsman, amazing mage, amazing shooter...well, I know who I'm gonna make now. [b]Appearance:[/b] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/d0/44/e6/d044e68420f52c496d1373e838e75a5c.jpg[/img] Cassie is always dressed rather properly, and has a thick leather harness that she uses to lug her Howler Cannon around with. [b]Name:[/b] Cassie Strom [b]Nicknames/Titles:[/b] The Bombshell [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Age:[/b] 28 [b]Skills:[/b] [u]Bombadier[/u] - Cassie is one of the best sappers you could find. Admittedly when your weapon blows up large square footage anywhere near where it lands, that doesn't count for much, but she is admittedly excellent at making her shots land where they're needed. [u]Explosives[/u] - Cass can easily combine various materials to create make-shift bombs, or disarm other explosives rapidly. Collateral damage - Her cannon is small as far as cannons go, but it's still a cannon. [u]Demolition[/u] - There's very little this girl can't blow up. [u]Architecture[/u] - When you spend your life blowing buildings up, you learn a thing or two about architecture in general. [b]Equipment:[/b] - Single Shot Howler Cannon *meant to be used by a single person, the Howler is a simple muzzle loaded cannon that can be braced against the hip to fire either directly forward or arced for greater range and to clear fortifications. She can only get one shot off before she needs to reload, but if she's got the space, she can make about 3 shots per minute. Can be used medium to long range, but is useless up close. Ammo consists of a heavy slugs or grapeshot, situation depending* - Howler Support Gear *stands for keeping the cannon upright, and a basic maintenance/cleaning kit* - Rope *always handy, but often used to help strap the cannon to herself* - Black Powder satchels *mostly used for the Howler, can be used as makeshift bombs* - Grenades *essentially ready made molotov cocktails used to keep enemies from reaching her* - Dagger *more utility than combat oriented* - Three shot pistol *last resort if someone with a blade manages to reach her in a battle* - Flint *often used to ignite the black powder when in a pinch* - Monocle *it's generally assumed she wears it to look more refined* [b]Personality:[/b] Cassie is a pyromaniac with a deep love of blowing things up. Despite her very formal looking appearance and love of lavish fineries, this girl is one bullet short of a full clip at all times. Not insane, but renowned as unstable, Cassie is driven and passionate. Loud, boisterous, and fiery, especially around explosions or fire. She loves the smell of gunpowder and is infatuated with guns, the bigger the better. Despite this 'explosive' attitude, she is fiercely loyal to King Allamon, and takes great pains to help others who need it. [b]Biography:[/b] An immigrant from Milokis, Cassie came to New Torrea with her father and sister. Though most of her life was spent in relatively poor conditions, she eventually joined the army, aspiring to be a great knight. However, her melee skills were beyond lacking, earning her a position at the bottom of her squad in terms of skill. She was transferred to a gunners platoon, and while she fared better, she was still one of the worst around. A sharp eyed captain noticed however that her understanding of the chemicals within the guns was beyond compare. She was again transferred to the sappers, and her purpose became clear. She showed an immediate affinity for the huge guns, and became an asset to her team. The Howler cannon became her life, and she fits it perfectly. She sends most of her pay to her father, to help raise and educate her sister so that she may have a better life than either of them, away from the military. However, when Allamon became bed ridden, Cassie was put in a tense situation. If she left the military, her sister's education would need to stop, and she would be forced to get a job just to make ends meet. The family would probably never leave their current standing, and struggle their entire lives. However, she disagrees completely with the Minister's vision, believing that to expand would simply cause the empire to collapse in on itself as their former allies turn on them in defense. She has yet to make a choice about how she should proceed yet. [b]Others:[/b] She is absolutely useless in any fight that doesn't involve her bombarding from a distance. Those who manage to break through her onslaught and grenades are often met with the woman simply picking up the cannon and fleeing, taking potshots with her pistol as she does so. She is still a pretty awful shot with her pistol. Often times, to avoid melee, she'll simply ignite everything around her, taking her chances with the flames instead of a sword to the stomach. [i]My goal was to make someone that wasn't some amazing precision fighter, but rather a spray and pray type of support character. If this doesn't fit, let me know, and I will happily alter it to something less...bombastic. If I'm accepted, I expect Cass to rely heavily on sword fighters to keep her safe often.[/i]