[b]The Deceased Prince[/b] [b]Name:[/b] Torrick Castalan. [b]Age:[/b] 26 at death several months to a year before this rp began. [b]Appearance:[/b] [img]http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-CUbvRfwOGv8/TcVeOiLIB-I/AAAAAAAAAFg/zR-mMJGOx6k/s640/AnimeGuyPostable.jpg[/img] [b]Personality:[/b] He was a good big brother for the most part, he doted on his sister and for a while his brother too. He would though show his colours as a bully and a purist as often as possible by beating up his brother. He took great joy in other people's pain and suffering though usually only his enemies. He had a sharp tongue and a sharp mind designed for war and fighting. He'd never really wanted the throne for the Kingdom's sake but the power it would have given him and the armies he could have control of. He was considered quite hot headed and volatile if he was questioned or pulled up on his behaviour. [b]Reputation:[/b] He was considered the God of War by the people, having singularly the highest kill toll in the war, he was beloved and feared by the people in equal measure and considered stern but just. An unoffical rumour is that the opposing army paid someone to poison him in his sleep and that his death on the battle field was due to that very poison in his veins.