Once the cockatrice was dead, Winnifred walked over to the boy still tied up on the ground from Haruka's binds. "Beat, huh? I don't really get it," she said, listening to his story and looking at his weapon with a perplexed look on her face, "But... It doesn't sound like it should be a problem for us. Or at least for me anyway, I dunno about the others. But next time I suggest just joining a team ahead of time. I dunno about some people here, but I don't bite. Unless you turn out to actually be a weirdo stalker or something. I'll totally bite if that turns out to be the case. But, uh, since Haruka's the one who tied you up, I'll go ahead and make it her call on what to let you do." After she had finished speaking, she sat down on the ground to wait for the rest of her team to decide what to do and when to head back. "So, what stuff are you guys gonna want from that thing?" she asked. [hider=Winnifred Level Up] [list] [*]Level - 1 > 2 [*]HP - 110 (11 pts) [*]MP - 80 (8 pts) [*]Attack - 19 > 22 [*]Magic - 6 [*]Speed - 10 [*]Accuracy - 16 > 20 [*]Defense - 8 [*]Evasion - 17 [*]Resistance - 5 [/list][/hider]