Marren had a permanent scowl underneath the upturned collar of his ‘borrowed’ coat. He was tense, always had been since they first landed on this dark, gods forsaken land. The strangeness of meeting Zoran and her…friends had taken some edge of, the surreality of the meeting striking past his serious demeanour. But now, when they were in the belly of the beast surrounded by the dank dungeon walls where torchlight seemed muffled, he felt tense again. Which was why he jumped when a random prisoner he did not know was there suddenly started shouting obscenities in Eve, a language he had not heard for some time. He shifted his eyes and squinted into the cell where the man was raging against the bars. He looked ragged. Marren waited for the man’s tirade to end before speaking in fluent Eve “You are either brave or foolish for speaking to me like that” he said evenly, looking around and spotting a keychain hanging high up one wall, an idea forming in his head. He reached up for it and approached the prisoner’s cell “The gods seemed merciful enough to change your fortune it seems” He paused, looking at the man’s eyes “We come here to strike at Kantle. I will let you go, will you join us?”