With art finally over, Schwarz was ready for something serious. Grimm studies, surely that would be more useful than this one. After all, that was why this school existed. Yeah. The girl was starting to wonder if the headmaster drank perhaps too much or not enough coffee when he was hiring these people, or whether not being right in the head was a prerequisite for being a hunter period - she’d have that requirement covered at least, if she was to be honest with herself. This particular professor seemed to be in dire need of audience it appeared, and unfortunately for him Schwarz only returned from being half asleep during the phases that described combat or the anatomy of some of the creatures, blown out of proportions no doubt but still useful. She perked up when the professor actually ushered them outside - this might be fun yet. Best of all she might even get to test what she had in mind. The fact that they were only supposed to observe did knock her mood down a peg, however that was nothing that couldn’t be rectified by subtly luring the grimm closer. Gads knew she had the overwhelming hatred for it alone. When two teams got paired up, she looked at the company. A few seconds too long went by before she gave up on the decisionmaking capabilities of either of the team leaders. “I’ll scout ahead and report when I find something worth seeing.” she said, waving her scroll in front of her, “I could appreciate someone who can keep up for backup.” she thrown for them to consider as she turned to her dark self and melted in the shadows, going off to see if a bigger grimm was nearby for her to report and then hopefully murder.