[quote=@Kurai Assassin] "Im Sean. and really you dont wanna try a VRMMO till theres a new console for it. See. Mason and I are both from SAO as are most from this school. we are some of the lucky ones to survive it. Mason probably lost a lot of friends by the time we met so i reckon she's a bit on edge." he said walking down the corridor "as for what the VRMMO's do, well it essentially allows you to live in the world of the game. now i reckon you should hurry and unpack before everyone else arrives." and with that sean left Charak and went into his own room [/quote] "ugh fine" Charak said satasified with the explanation. He turned and walked down the hallway back to his room. Once inside he sat down on his bed and finished unpacking his laptop and books. Before making lightwork of his cloths bag. sighin heavily he sat on the bed and thought how stupid he was. For not realising she lost people in SAO. "stupid stupid stupid" Charak said to himself