[b]Character Sheet[/b] Character Name: Raisa Yurievna Biryukova (first name, patronymic name and surname, respectively) Age: 22 Species: Corsac Fox Appearance: Raisa is rather short, like most others of her kind. However, there are some key differences between her and others of her kind. While others might have a kinder expression, Raisa's facial expression can be quite intimidating, with a sharp glare and a straight face, despite not especially wishing to scare those around her. She keeps a straight posture at all times, however in regards to womanly figure, she is somewhat lacking, to her chagrin. She wears a pair of thin rimmed glasses. Personality: Despite appearances, Raisa is kind of heart and tries to be at least somewhat friendly with those around her. She can be slightly hesitant in regards to social interactions at times though. Raisa has a positive view on life, though she sometimes gets worried when it comes to thinking about the "big picture", wondering if all that she does is for naught or if it serves a purpose. She has a somewhat neutral perspective on war, deeming it a natural state of living beings though she certainly doesn't support it, condemning it for the huge losses of life and material it brings. Even with this unsure opinion on the subject, she feels that in a morbid sort of way that she is 'at home' on the battlefield, but she certainly doesn't share this opinion with others. Other than these personal opinions, she is rather intelligent, but she tends not to rub it in other's faces. Personal History: Raisa Yurievna Biryukova was born in a small independent state, called Iyuli, that made most of their money off of state owned weapons designs bureaus. Her own father, Yuri Yakovich Biryukova was a head designer in one of the premier bureaus in the state, the Sukhoyan-Ilyushevich Design Bureau, primarily responsible for GEAR related developments. Spending much of his time away from home either working on a new design or demonstrating one of his designs at shows and expos throughout the world, Raisa thus spent most of her time taking care of her mother, her two younger sisters and her older brother who was born a cripple. For most of her childhood, Raisa had to play a juggling act of taking care of her family and attending school, leaving her little free time to make friends or attend extracurricular activities. Instead, she occupied her free moments by reading through her father's personal library, filled with books not only on GEAR engineering, design and use but also on famous battles, told through eye-witness accounts and interviews with veterans. It was in this way that Raisa built an interest in soldiery and began aspiring to becoming a GEAR pilot after an acquaintance's uncle, a military recruiter, convinced her that the pay earned would be enough to keep her family afloat for many years. At the age of sixteen, she entered her country's military academy where she became adept in many different facets of warfighting, such as the basics of shooting, CQC, survival but also of advanced GEAR piloting. Shortly after graduation, she served a short five year service with the Iyuli military, during which she participated in [i]prestigious[/i] activities such as parades, group training and patrols. Searching for a more exciting fate, she requested a transfer to Landren to join as a foreign volunteer. After numerous tests, which she passed with flying colors, she was assigned to the 101st Tactical GEAR Unit of the LDF Landcruiser [i]Parvan's Claw[/i], "Roughriders". Personal Weapons and Equipment: -Iyuli GEAR Pilot Gear, with helmet, survival tools and sidearm. -Locket with photos of family. -Laminated photocopy of her father's company ID card, used as a sort of ornament in the cockpit of her GEAR. Personal Theme: [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lahoYnOGxYg]Putting this as a direct link in case the QQCode Youtube function doesn't work.[/url] Favorite color: Blue [b]Mecha Sheet[/b] Main GEAR: Gear Name & Serial Number: Sukhoyan-Ilyushevich SuI-27 Flanker Appearance: [img=http://static2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130725020736/muvluv/images/2/25/Carnivore_crane.png] Role: Close Quarters Enemy Engagement & Combat Superiority (CQEE&CS), Anti GEAR combat. Normal Loadout: 1x Avto-15 fifteen millimeter anti-infantry machine gun (built in, on right wrist next to missile pod). Miniaturized version of the Avto-30 full sized thirty millimeter autocannon, available as a hand-held weapon for the Flanker and Fulcrum. 2x Wrist missile pods, non-removable. Capable of using different kinds of missiles (HEAT, anti infantry, anti air...). Despite being non-removable, the missile firing system can be switched out to instead be used as an extending and retracting wrist blade for close quarters combat, though only on the left wrist due to the presence of the machine gun. 2x Mounting points for various weapon types on the shoulders (extra rocket pods, cannons, extra anti-infantry machine guns) The hands of the Flanker, like most other GEARs, can use GEAR sized personal weapons (assault rifles, combat rifles, large scale shotguns...) and melee equipment. Other Systems & Equipment: -Iyuli designed combat computer, including radar, various sensors and a simplified ECM and anti-ECM suite. -Standard comms systems. -Mounting points on the legs for tools and carrying items (infantry supplies, extra ammunition...) -Anti-missile flares. -Parachute mounting points for air drops. Other notes: Info such as the background of the GEARs design and purpose, or history of the design in LDF service, as well as any personal info about the GEAR. The SuI-27 Flanker is the newest GEAR built by the Sukhoyan-Ilyushevich Design Bureau and is currently being proposed to militaries such as the LDF and a few have been bought by the Iyuli Ground Defense Force. Despite being specialized in anti-GEAR combat, it is also effective in many roles, though it is more effective in the aforementioned role. Raisa's Flanker is the only GEAR of its type currently in LDF service, serving as her own machine while she is working as a foreign volunteer for the LDF. Aside from serving as her own combat machine, it is also used as an indirect advertisement from Sukhoyan-Ilyushevich to the LDF. Raisa calls her own Flanker "Sanya" after her older brother. Spare GEAR: Gear Name & Serial Number: SuI-29 Fulcrum Appearance: [img=http://static1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130201013908/muvluv/images/8/8b/Unwanted_child.png] Role: Multi-role. Normal Loadout: 1x Avto-15 fifteen millimeter anti-infantry machine gun (built in, on right wrist next to missile pod). Miniaturized version of the Avto-30 full sized thirty millimeter autocannon, available as a hand-held weapon for the Flanker and Fulcrum. 2x Wrist missile pods, non-removable. Capable of using different kinds of missiles (HEAT, anti infantry, anti air...). Despite being non-removable, the missile firing system can be switched out to instead be used as an extending and retracting wrist blade for close quarters combat, though only on the left wrist due to the presence of the machine gun. 2x Mounting points for various weapon types on the shoulders (extra rocket pods, cannons, extra anti-infantry machine guns) The hands of the Fulcrum, like most other GEARs, can use GEAR sized personal weapons (assault rifles, combat rifles, large scale shotguns...) and melee equipment, though it is limited to lighter weapons than the Flanker. Other Systems & Equipment: -Iyuli designed combat computer, including radar, various sensors and a simplified ECM and anti-ECM suite. -Standard comms systems. -Mounting points on the legs for tools and carrying items (infantry supplies, extra ammunition...) -Anti-missile flares. -Parachute mounting points for air drops. Other notes: For the last ten years, the SuI-29 Fulcrum has been a main-stay of the Iyuli Ground Defense Force, despite its light weight. Easy to produce and highly reliable, it is planned to remain in service long after the introduction of its larger brother, the SuI-27 Flanker. Only a few were bought by the LDF, and this one serves as Raisa's replacement GEAR in case of emergency. Despite its size and age compared to the Flanker, it is a superior GEAR outside of anti-GEAR combat, capable of better performing reconnaissance and anti-installation interdiction. Raisa used this Fulcrum for a long time before switching to the Flanker and has something of an attachment to the machine, naming it after her youngest sister, Rozaliya.