Master Sergeant Alexander Atreides was standing on the bridge of the [i]Undaunted Spirit[/i] as it was nearing the end of its trip through the warp, the Drop Trooper was already in full carapace armor, helmet tucked under his arm. Warp travel always unnerved the man somewhat. It wasn't like a drop where you could salvage if something went wrong with your gear. He heard the horror stories from surviving armsmen and guardsmen who had fought off daemonic incursions, hell, he knew how bad daemons could fight. He'd rather be down at the drop trooper's barracks, finalizing organization. But, as head of the Drop Trooper division of the 122nd Airborne, he had to be up here to deal with the officers and play niceties. The overall commanding officer of the 122nd was Air Marshall Fredrick Sturmburg, or for folks outside the 122nd, Air Marshall was the equivalent of a Colonel. Beyond that, and Marshall instead of Major, the ranks worked out the same as other Guard regiments. Air Marshall Sturmburg was a good man, far as Atreides was concerned, smart, didn't let politics cloud his judgement in combat, didn't throw Atreides or his men into the grinder lightly. Respectable, at least. Sturmburg was holding an archaic watch, watching the hands on it move as it ticked down to emergence into realspace. Nodding to the comms officer, the man got onto the shipwide band. "All hands, prepare for shift into realspace. I say again, all hands, prepare for shift into realspace." Atreides braced himself on a railing, this bit never excited him. Within moments of the relayed message, the ship tore a hole back into realspace, the [url=]Ironclad[/url] led the Naval patrol into its positions, other ships moving into screening positions around the aging model of ship. The [i]Undaunted Spirit[/i] Began to move, while Air Marshall Sturmburg opened a hailing frequency towards the Imperial Fleet and its current leading vessel, and assuming the hail was responded to, he would begin earnestly, [url=]Sturmburg[/url] speaking with little flair or wasted verbage. "122nd Astryan Airborne, aboard the [i]Undaunted Spirit[/i], reporting from Astryan System as requested. Air Marshall Sturmburg, and Master Sergeant Atreides, standing by for further orders."