Jeremiah finished preparing his EVA, and then put it on. He let himself float as the oxygen filled up. His excitement had become more nervous. What is something went wrong? Had he missed anything in the preparations? He took a deep breath. Of course nothing would go wrong. He was in the capable hands of Ellie, and there was nobody he trusted more for the job. They airlock decompressed. He was ready. He was going to space walk. As Ellie began to move out, Jeremiah followed. He heard all her instructions over the com system, and obeyed as needed. He suddenly realized... he was in the void. Outside of the EVA there was only emptiness. It was incredible for a human being, a historically earth-bound creature, to be able to to do this. He looked over the Prospect Horizon. He'd never seen it from the outside. It was better than he imagined... And suddenly it was gone. Jeremiah saw as the Greenhouse began to explode. In the split seconds he had, he wondered what was going on, how this could have happened, what he could do, what the guidebook would tell him to do, the implications of the destruction of the Prospect Horizon. But his body froze up. He couldn't bring himself to grasp the intensity of what was going on. As he got flung back from the source of the explosion, he shut down, closing his eyes... It took King about 2 minutes to regain control of his body. He looked around at the space-debris, the ruins of the station. He couldn't tell where he was, but he was between two large pieces of rubble. Next to him, a dead body floated. Jeremiah wanted the throw up, but instead he had to survive. His scientific mind immediately began to question what had happened. How could the explosion began? It must have been fueled by the Hydrogen. It was stupid to use such a reactive element as a source of power, but that couldn't be changed now. The Prospect Horizon became the new Hindenburg. "Does anyone receive me?" Jeremiah heard over the coms. It was Ellie's voice. At least one of the team apart from him had survived. Jeremiah suddenly began to think of his own chances of surviving. If Ellie is alive, then he has a chance. He'd be helpless on his own. "I hear you, Ellie," King whispered, still unmoving. "Where are you?" Jeremiah began using his thruster pack to move away from the rubble he was between. He finally got a look at what was left of the Prospect Horizon. It was completely devastated. It was all gone.