Kaite figured the dream couldn't be any weirder than his, although he supposed he knew it not to really be a dream. Hearing about Riblou's accommodation left a bad taste in Kaite's mouth. The poor beast was slow enough as he was without the cryosickness. The was a long pause as Kaite looked out at the docks, his fingers remaining still as he panned through the manifest with his eyes. It wouldn't be likely that they'd be picking up another, but it was still worth waiting around for a bit longer before sloughing it off onto the guards. "If you vould like to share. I haf been...[i]interested[/i]...in dreams, lately" He said, lifting off his eyepatch, the amber glint of bioluminescence from his other eye catching the screen. He rubbed his eyes, suppressing a yawn, still grappling with a slight headache from his own cryosickness which left him groggy. Kaite slid it back over his mint eye, giving the other one a break from the screen. It had been a while since the nightmares mostly stopped, leaving Kaite with slurries of images and feeling while he slept that he didn't entirely understand. These new dreams having been taken as foreign and almost scarier than what he had grown used to. He hoped to gather information from others as to better answer his own questions. On the topic of sleep, the idea of getting to sleep in his own bed sounded divine beyond all rational expressions that he could manage in his state. That being said, there was still quite a bit of work to be done before he should be thinking such thoughts. [color=8882be]I can still dream... :T Well, at least I have puns down.[/color]