[b][Christopher][/b] "Woh, slow down there little one." Christopher said to the little girl standing beside his horse, and introducing herself shortly after her rapid and hyper speech. "I don't mean to upset you little one." he the apologized, hoping he hadn't given off the impression that he didn't like her. "I got this horse back at my hometown, I paid for him and my assistant's horse for our travels to this town here a few days ago. I'm not sure what his name is though... I never asked. Say... maybe you could come up with a name for him? As for my name, it is Christopher! If you prefer, you may call me Morlock as well, but I rarely go by that name." he said, trying to hold his horse still after the little girl's excitement. "It's a pleasure to meet you Urabe." he said, then reaching down and offering her his hand to shake. [b][Aurore][/b] "Oh, let the horse go Christopher. We'll track him down later. You know this town, you just end up running into things when you least expect it." Aurore said as she walked back to the group's gathering spot. She skipped across the ground, happy that she had helped stop the fight. She came to a stop after passing Christopher, and seeing Urabe on the other side of him, already petting the horse with her own face. "Oh, hello there! What's your name? I'm not sure I've had the pleasure of meeting you before. My name's Aurore!" she said, crouching down and holding her hands between her legs as she tilted her head and smiled.