[b]{Unexpected Visitor}[/b] The man first responded to Kurano, turning his head slightly in his direction, while pushing the lab-coat man's rantings off to the side mentally. He listened carefully, though he appeared to already have an answer built up in his mind before Kurano had even started talking. "Your classes have been taken care of. They have been notified you will no longer be attending them, as would be the case either option you chose. They have all been paid in full, and you are no longer in any debt of any kind. We have a full school where your'll be going if you wish to attend, though you likely won't have the time. If you ever complete your duties, then you will be given the option of the world's greatest academies to choose from, all paid for without worries." the man explained slowly. "I'll take that as an official 'yes' to joining us. You will be shown to your greatest potential, and taught to go far beyond anyone else's abilities. And if you were wondering, after you have finished with us, we won't pester you like those 'loan sharks'. Your'll be severed from our connections completely once the process is complete... but that completion time depends on how well you can train up your powers." The man then turned to Minami after she had asked about 'friends', which was a reasonable question at her age. "Of course you will have friends! There are plenty of other kids your age. My own child happens to work with us as well, and I'm sure your'll run into her quiet often. She'd be quiet glad to be friends with you." the man smiled at her. He then listened to Kristof, who appeared to give the hardest dilemma for the mysterious employer. "Your concerns are valid, I admit, but she will be far safer with us. These are troubled times, and with the proper training, will be capable of protecting herself from the dangers ahead. Plus, as I said to all of you, you have no other choice. It's either us, or them. In most of your cases it's jail. For her, it's her own family... but, I doubt she want's that as much as any of you want to see prison." the man finished. [b]{Mr. Labcoat}[/b] The labcoated man walked over to the beast, seeming to have found it already. He pulled out some device from a bag he had with him, the device appearing to be some sort of high-tech glasses. He put them on his face, and viewed the monster. "Oh, this one is still breathing! We've never captured a live one before." he said, eyeing the glowing stuff within the monster specifically. "In fact... all we've come across were much smaller than this beast here, and all seemingly turn to dust after they die! If we could get him downstairs-" the doctor went on... before the stench the monster gave off just before the portal before came back. The monster vibrated for a few seconds, before disappearing into a hole that looked like the one it had attempted to create before, but this one was much faster, and closed almost instantly. The doctor fell back, dropping his glasses-device, and losing them. [b]{Mystery Labcoat and Mr. Man}[/b] "I knew we should have brought in the others! They would have been able to help move it down below before he could have escaped!" the doctor jumped back up, instantly glaring at everyone else, as if they knew the creature was about to escape. "No matter, it is gone now, what's done is done. Besides, we would never have been able to fit a creature of this size down the elevator. Speaking of which... all of those who wish to join us, should decide to follow me." the mysterious man then lead the way to the back of the building where the elevators were located. There were a bunch of them, but one in particular was already sitting at the bottom. He entered in the medium-sized elevator, rated to hold five people... but there was enough room for everyone to still squeeze in. The sirens of arriving police were heard outside as police cars started to arrive... and police were getting ready to head into the building. "It's either now, or never." the man said, ordering one of his men to hold off pushing the button at the last second. The second an officer would enter the building is when he would push it....