"Can we blame them, they've had some hard years." Tom said back to her, feeling her hand squeeze against his arm and holding her a little tighter against him. The towns folk did look depressed, their clothes greying and sewed with patches, but when one looked closer, they didn't look hopeless. Somewhere in their faces, their posture, they still stood tall, sure of better times even if life right then was to be depressed about. The little restaurant they eventually found was a nice contrast to the street outside. "As usual." Tom looked at Anna, beginning to chuckle. "Oh, you meant the restaurant? Yeah, I don't see a reason not to. On both things." He said just as softly to her, pulling her into a kiss. For one of few times these days, he felt happy and without a care. Well, perhaps except for the bill he'd have to pay afterwards. Tom opened the door for Anna to go inside, and followed her shortly after when they were led to a table. The restaurant was full of people, some from the town itself and others from the army base they both were stationed at. Like the gentleman he'd never have the opportunity to be, he pulled out the chair for his soon-to-be fiancée for her to sit down. "Am I doing a good job at this? Back home I never had a lovely woman to treat like this."